Develops an educational presentation to train new staff in the purpose and value of using informatics for decision support. The presentation uses multiple examples with supporting details.
● Explain specific ways that information should be used in decision-making by providing three examples with supporting details. APA style
Author: Bernard
The War on Terror Torture Dehumanization
Please format—either showing the Questions–and your answers—or if using a Memo Format –or paper format—include headings and subheadings so
possible to know what questions are being addressed. Please think about appropriate citations–writing format.
After reading Slahii’s Book, watching the movie, and reading material about US Torture Memos published in the NYTimes by different officials in the Bush
Administration. the material in Dances with Chains, the Geneva Conventions, and other class materials—including videos on the subject, please answer the
following questions. In class we had several presentations on the use of torture, dehumanization, the situation in Guantanamo.
Everyone needs to submit their own assignment
Attached is a list of questions that can be used.
For use in Writing Your Report
Submit a minimum of 5 paragraphs, using academic formatting.
What was the situation in Guantanamo–and in the US at the time this program of Extraordinary Rendition started? How is it different today? What aspects a…
Personal Statement of Ethics
According to Carroll and Buchholtz (2015), business ethics is “concerned with the morality and fairness in behavior, actions, policies, and practices that take place within a business context.” With that definition in mind, this final assignment should describe what one believes to be the best way to live and work as an ethical leader in a business organization. Topics can include, among others:
A definition of business ethics.
The importance of ethical leadership in business organizations.
Individual and organizational duties and responsibilities and how they relate to promoting the mission and vision of a business organization.
Specific principles and virtues critical to the character of a business leader.
As the course advances, each student should continuously assess the characteristics of ethical character they believe crucial to successfully leading business in domestic and global markets. By exploring the various ethical theories studied, cases posed, and conclusions reached, students will craft a 4–5 page document (not inclusive of title/reference pages) that:
Reflects various ethical theories
Incorporates concepts from the course textbook, video lectures, academic journals, and other course materials
Identify the strengths and limitations of one’s ethical stance
Indicate some challenges this statement presents to the student in terms of business leadership and corporate responsibility
Submission Guidelines
4–5 pages of writing and analysis
Reference page
Formatted according to APA guidelines
Interpersonal Communication
For your essay interview/talk with someone you have a close relationship with (such as spouse, friend, sibling, student advisor, etc.) about how you communicate or are labeled. Use the Johari Window Diagram to diagram how you communicate with them. What would you both put in the four quadrants?
What insights can you draw from this diagram and how does that person see you? Was this your reflected appraisal of yourself? How did things move from the Hidden quadrant to the Open quadrant, or from your Blind to Open quadrant, with that person?
Do you agree with the guidelines in the textbook for enriching the self toward maintaining a healthy identity? Share why you agree or don’t agree. Apply what you’ve learned this week and write one goal you’ve created to improve your self-concept. Provide a detailed analysis of yourself incorporating the reading and textbook material.
Your paper should be 500 – 750 words (roughly 2 – 3 pages double spaced) double spaced and font Times New Roman size 12.
Business principles
Part 1:Think of a company that has effectively used social media to accomplish its goals. Describe how this company uses social media more effectively than others. What lessons can you take from this company’s effective use of the free platforms that social media provides our society?
Part 2: Compare and contrast the Balance Sheet, Income Statement, and Statement of Cash Flows. Make sure to spend some time defining each financial statement and describing the formula that the statement follows.
Part 3:Compare and contrast short and long-term financing. Which business activities would necessitate short-term financing? Which business activities would necessitate long-term financing?
Letter of intent
A letter of intent is a letter that is a bit tricky if you are doing it for the first time. do you need any help?
Do you wish to write an amazing letter of intent? Place your order and get help from our expert essay writers.
Sonny’s Blues James Baldwin 1924-1987
it do for him? Consider this passage, in which Sonny describes some street
singers: “. . .the music seemed to soothe a poison out of them; and seemed, nearly, to fall away from the sullen, belligerent, battered faces, though they were fleeing back to their first condition, while dreaming of their
Consider also this passage, in which the brother observes one of the musicians
playing on stage with Sonny near the end of the story: “He was having a dialogue
with Sonny. He wanted Sonny to leave the shoreline and strike out for the deep
water.” What is meant by “deep water”?
Exit through Art
Baldwin’s subject is the music, of course, but he is also talking about other
forms of creation. What might they be?
Meaning of Love(s)
Make a list of the different types of “love” that are either alluded to shown in this story. Perhaps think about all the different types relationships shown or mentioned in this story where “love” might be a
Evidence-Based Clinical Question Search Assignment
The purpose of this assignment is to give you a practical application to implement your compelling clinical question idea, supported by the evidence-based research you have obtained during your systematic review. You will apply evidence-based research findings discovered from your clinical question, and then integrate those to support your suggested change in nursing practice.
Identify your refined clinical question.
Provide a summary of the database used.
Determine an evidence-based quantitative article from the search that contains an evidence-based randomized control trial.
Summarize the case study selected.
Describe the study approach, sample size, and population studied.
Apply the evidence from this review to your practice specifically in your overview.
Evaluate the outcomes, identifying the validity and reliability.
Discuss if the study contained any bias.
Determine the level of evidence identified in the review.
The length should be no less than 10 pages in APA 7th edition format.
Life Cycle Assessment: CO2 to Methane
About this Assignment
For your final report, you will complete the LCA study. All phases of the analysis should be included
Reassess goal for an LCA
Reassess the scope of the study
Provide final estimates of material and energy flows for the study
Complete the Life Cycle Inventory Analysis
Provide an interpretation to the LCA results
Directions and Resources
Please refer to Modules 2 and 3 for detailed instructions and resources on how to prepare a complete LCA. In brief, you need to complete:
Phase 1. A goal (note: incorporate instructor feedback from midterm-report and any other changes to the goal of the study)
Phase 1. A scope (note: incorporate instructor feedback from midterm-report and any other changes to the scope of the study)
Phase 2. A Life Cycle Inventory (note: incorporate instructor feedback from midterm-report and any other changes to the LCI)
Phase 3. A Life Cycle Inventory Analysis (this includes selection of indicators, etc.)
Phase 4. An interpretation of the study.
Life Cycle Assessment Resources
• LCA Commons:
• Open LCA:
• LearnChemE:
Watch the video to learn about allocation, one of steps in Life cycle inventory (LCI) which is the second phase in Life Cycle Assessment (LCA).
Video timeline:
1. Fundamentals of Allocation 0:32
2. Allocation by the Example of Co-production 0:42
3. Allocation and Recycling in Closed-Loops Recycling 5:15
4. Allocation and Recycling for Open-Loop Recycling 6:20
5. Allocation within Waste-LCAs 10:04
6. Summary on Allocation 15:50
Is college necessary for a successful future?
Is college necessary for a successful future is an argumentative essay. There is no right or wrong answer. In the document 4.06 OUTLINE there’s a template for an outline that should be done with the argument made in the document 4.05 ENGLISH. Then an essay
based on what the information on the outline says and with citations.