Marketing communication

Required Assignment in document “1. Read me first” and its the Part1.
Task 1
Your team must design, create and submit a piece of marketing communication that responds to the client brief. Your team’s piece of marketing communication should be uploaded to your team area on OpenStudio.
Task 2
Using the pro forma provided, your team must produce an accompanying creative report. A group wiki is provided in the study planner to help you in drafting your team’s creative report. The proforma can be copied and pasted into the wiki for your group to work on. The purpose of the creative report is to explain how you have met the client brief through your piece of marketing communication.

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To Buy or To Lease? Can we Help you?

To Buy or To Lease? That is the Question!
According to USA Today, “Not long ago, in the pre-pandemic age, carmakers braced for the possibility that Americans would eventually stop buying vehicles, choosing instead to rely upon rideshares like Lyft or Uber. But COVID-19 has upended those expectations, swinging the pendulum back in the direction of personal car ownership as Americans say they’re increasingly likely to drive themselves instead of riding in someone else’s car or taking mass transit.” (Source:
Let’s assume you do not currently have a car and that you have already made the decision that you want to drive a new car. The next step in the process is to decide whether to buy or to lease. For most shoppers, paying cash for a new car is not an option, so we’ll assume your choices are a new car loan or a lease.
Part One:
Research the pros and cons of buying a new car versus leasing. Ensure that your sources are current, since market conditions change. You should use reliable, credible primary sources. Do not use Wikipedia since it is not a primary source.
Write an essay, no more than 2 pages long, stating your decision and supporting that decision with evidence from your sources. What pros and cons did you consider? What economic factors were important to your decision?
Label the essay as Part One and attach it to the end of this document. Be sure to cite your sources, using MLA format.
Part Two:
For your choice of car make and model, complete the worksheet on page 2. You can usually obtain the needed information from the car maker’s website or from the website of a local dealer. Be sure to check for current or local special offers! Cite the source(s) of your information.
If you have trouble finding the information you need, please ask your instructor for help!
Note: MSRP means manufacturer’s suggested retail price.
Residual value is the value of the car at the end of the lease. It’s the amount you would need to finance if you decided to buy the car when the lease ends. If you can’t find this information, assume it is 60% of the MSRP.

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Finacial Ratios and Reporting Analysis of a Company

Part A
The main theme of this part of the assignment is corporate reporting and analysis. This part requires you to select a company in accordance with the essential criteria and further guidance provided in the attached files to complete the tasks specified below.
You are required to:
a) Evaluate the company’s financial performance as reported in the Income Statement for its accounting period which ended between 1 July 2020 and 30 June 2021. This period is your primary focus, but you are also required to consider how the company has performed compared to the two preceding accounting periods. You should include copies of the Income Statements within an appendix.
You should explain how the business works and why it performed as it has, through consideration of the factors affecting the company, the strategies it has pursued and the economic and industrial context in which it operates. You should draw on the narrative of the annual report together with relevant notes on matters such as segmental performance and exceptional (non-recurring) items to inform your evaluation.
You are not required to compare this company’s performance with any other company, although reference to market average data, if available, could be relevant. You are not required to evaluate the Statement of Financial Position for any of the years involved, although the statement would be relevant if aspects of it have impacted on company performance e.g., additional debt has increased the finance cost.
b) Evaluate the use of performance measurement by this company in its annual report for its accounting period which ended between 1 July 2020 and 30 June 2021. You should compare this with the current use of performance measurement by another company operating broadly in the same business sector.
You should explore why the two companies have chosen their respective performance measures and how they might aid in the monitoring and improvement of company performance.
It is not necessary for the comparator company to use the same accounting date as your main company, but it does need to be listed on the London Stock Exchange (Must choose FTSE 100).
You should evaluate:
i) The financial performance measures the companies consider in their annual reports, including investment ratios.
ii) The non-financial performance measures they consider in their annual reports.
iii) How the non-financial performance measures adopted will benefit the companies and their stakeholders.
iv) The overall performance of the companies based on their chosen performance measures (discussed here, in part b) by providing justifications for your choice.
(Part A word limit: 3,200 words)

Part B
This part of the assignment covers the Management Accounting elements of the module. You are required to write an essay to critically discuss the following statement:
‘Budgeted performance is a better criterion than past performance for judging managers’.
You are expected to provide an argument to support the statement above. You should also consider the possible counterarguments in your work.
(Part B word limit: 800 words)
Overall word limit: 4000 words
Further information on the report are attached, there are two sets of information to be read TOGETHER.
Please choose a company from the FTSE 100 and update periodically on the work and the company chosen.

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How to Calculate Financial Ratios of a Company and Interpret

Apix Printing Case Study

“That’s exactly what they don’t want. I’m beginning to notice that some of the investors don’t have a strong finance background, and the last thing we want to do is scare them off with too many financial figures” Mary explains. I would like for you to complete a presentation. However, I want you to keep it simple and clear. Using all 3 Financial Statements, please provide an analysis of Apix’s assets, liabilities, cash, and profit. As well, choose 2 additional components on each of the sheets, and provide your initial impression of the company’s financial situation. Do you think you could handle this?”

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Calculating Return on Equity Percentage

Explain the computation for each of the following, and compute each for Apix and two other companies in the same industry as Apix Printing:

1. Current ratio
2. (Long-term) debt to equity ratio
3. Gross margin percentage
4. Net profit margin percentage
5. Return on equity percentage
Present your findings of the above data in a table. Add a paragraph that summarizes your results, indicating whether investors would find the financial analysis results of Apix competitive as compared to rivals in the sector. Be sure to include both positive and negative trends in your analysis.

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Calculating Net Profit Margin Percentage

Explain the computation for each of the following, and compute each for Apix and two other companies in the same industry as Apix Printing:

1. Current ratio
2. (Long-term) debt to equity ratio
3. Gross margin percentage
4. Net profit margin percentage
5. Return on equity percentage
Present your findings of the above data in a table. Add a paragraph that summarizes your results, indicating whether investors would find the financial analysis results of Apix competitive as compared to rivals in the sector. Be sure to include both positive and negative trends in your analysis.

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Calculating Gross Margin Percentage of a Company


Explain the computation for each of the following, and compute each for Apix and two other companies in the same industry as Apix Printing:

1. Current ratio
2. (Long-term) debt to equity ratio
3. Gross margin percentage
4. Net profit margin percentage
5. Return on equity percentage
Present your findings of the above data in a table. Add a paragraph that summarizes your results, indicating whether investors would find the financial analysis results of Apix competitive as compared to rivals in the sector. Be sure to include both positive and negative trends in your analysis.

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Calculating long-term debt to equity ratio


Explain the computation for each of the following, and compute each for Apix and two other companies in the same industry as Apix Printing:

1. Current ratio
2. (Long-term) debt to equity ratio
3. Gross margin percentage
4. Net profit margin percentage
5. Return on equity percentage
Present your findings of the above data in a table. Add a paragraph that summarizes your results, indicating whether investors would find the financial analysis results of Apix competitive as compared to rivals in the sector. Be sure to include both positive and negative trends in your analysis.

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Calculating Current Ratio of Acompany


Explain the computation for each of the following, and compute each for Apix and two other companies in the same industry as Apix Printing:

1. Current ratio
2. (Long-term) debt to equity ratio
3. Gross margin percentage
4. Net profit margin percentage
5. Return on equity percentage
Present your findings of the above data in a table. Add a paragraph that summarizes your results, indicating whether investors would find the financial analysis results of Apix competitive as compared to rivals in the sector. Be sure to include both positive and negative trends in your analysis.

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Calculating Financial Ratios of a Company Apix Printing

In anticipation of Mary’s request for comparative analysis, it will be useful at this time to do some research. You know that you can obtain the financials of companies within the same sector or Standard Industry Code as Apix Printing (e.g., commercial printing), and that the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Standard Industry 2012 code for Apix Printing is presently 323111. Use the Library Guide to search for two other companies in the same industry as Apix Printing.

When you get to work the next day, you see the following e-mail from Mary:

Here is the list of financial ratios you asked for. I need you to explain the computation of each and compute these for Apix’s results for the financial statements you are using for the PowerPoint presentation. Also, compare Apix’s 2-year trend results to that of two other firms in the sector. Indicate how each of Apix’s ratios differs, and indicate whether the two other companies’ ratios or Apix’s ratios are indicative of better performance.

Explain the computation for each of the following, and compute each for Apix and two other companies in the same industry as Apix Printing:

1. Current ratio
2. (Long-term) debt to equity ratio
3. Gross margin percentage
4. Net profit margin percentage
5. Return on equity percentage
Present your findings of the above data in a table. Add a paragraph that summarizes your results, indicating whether investors would find the financial analysis results of Apix competitive as compared to rivals in the sector. Be sure to include both positive and negative trends in your analysis.

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