Schizophrenia Pharmacotherapy Plan Case Study Critique Essay Paper

Schizophrenia Pharmacotherapy Plan Case Study Critique Essay Paper


The Case Study Critiques constitute a significant learning portion of this course, and you are expected to put forth a thoughtful and scholarly effort. These assignments will enable you to apply the information on medications you learned from the lecture slides and textbook to patient cases. You will learn to critique other proposals to pharmacotherapy based on literature and evidence.


In this course, you will complete three Case Study Critiques. For each Case Study Critique, you will select the Case Study analysis in the assigned week and provide a critique of the plan.The Case Study Critiques are expected to be academic in nature and insightful. Hence, it is inappropriate and of little academic value to state, “I agree with the
pharmacotherapy plan.” You must provide a rationale and properly referenced evidence to support your critique. In order to receive maximum credit, multiple sources must be cited. Likewise, if you disagree with the plan, be sure to include an alternative recommendation with supporting evidence. Each critique will use a minimum of three literature references to support comments. The Case Study Critiques must be completed in Microsoft Word and conform to proper current APA format. You are required to write a minimum of five pages for each analysis and critique. To ensure consistency and quality of effort, reference and follow the examples provided. Typically, a well-done critique will be 5-10 pages.

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Toilets and Household Sanitation

Toilets and Household Sanitation

Describe the model for household decision to adopt sanitation change used in the case study. What were the results of the case study? How could this model be applied to another water-related health problem? What are the challenges to using social marketing in household sanitation adoption?
Students must support their assertions with at least one scholarly citations in AMA format. Any sources cited must have been published within the last five years. Acceptable sources include peer reviewed journal articles.
Awunyo-Akaba, Y., Awunyo-Akaba, J., Gyapong, M., Senah, K., Konradsen, F., & Rheinländer, T. (2016). Sanitation investments in Ghana: An ethnographic investigation of the role of tenure security, land ownership and livelihoods. BMC Public Health, 16, 1.

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Healthcare Cost Essay Discussion

Healthcare Cost Essay Discussion

Sample outline
Background tells why this is a significant call to action.
This is my complete thesis sentence herewith listed support.
The first and most important subtopic is here.
Here I will introduce the source and first point
The evidence is cited here (Source #).
Now, I close the loop and explain the source as it relates to my thesis.
This is the second supporting point.
A quote or paraphrase occur here (Source #).
Always include a quote sandwich. Your author’s voice before and after source information.
Most short papers include at least three pieces of support.
To show credibility, each point is proven with a source (Source).
The author ties the point back to the thesis; this is sometimes called closing the sale.
The concession or counter-argument occurs here.
The counter-argument does not have to be completely disproven but acknowledges the opposing view.
Give evidence as to why the opposition might consider your thesis.
Stay clearly one side of your position and reflect the thesis throughout.
Sometimes a counter-argument contains one point or multiple points.
For example, clearly more economical, but that does not necessarily make the best option.
Think about rhetoric and apply it to ethos pathos and logos

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Process Analysis Tools Healthcare

Process Analysis Tools Healthcare

How might health care administration leaders use process analysis tools to promote positive outcomes in health services organizations? As a current or future health care administration leader, your ability to apply process analysis tools within the right context will be useful for ensuring effective operations in your health services organization.
For this Assignment, review the resources for this week that are specific to supply, demand, equilibrium, break-even analysis, and quality improvement initiatives. Be sure to review the Pay for Performance and CMS Quality Initiative in your course text.
Using Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Word, complete problems 1 through 9 on pages 156–158 in the Ross textbook. Show all work. Submit both your Excel and Word files for grading.
To find the excel tables and information for the assignment go to the textbook website:
Once there, scroll down below where you can purchase the book and look for the For Students section.
Click on Companion Sites
Under the Student Resources, click on Visit Companion Site
In the pull down menu options, select Browse by Chapter
Select Chapter 4
Click on Excel Files for End-of-Chapter Problems
A list of several files for various chapters should open — select the chapter required.
Excel document attached. Process analysis chapter with 9 problems page 156-158

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System Change Healthcare Organization

System Change Healthcare Organization

Paper details:
Discuss an example of how a nurse leader was successful in spearheading change within an organization, institution, or government that impacted healthcare policy. What driving forces led to the nurse leader’s success? What obstacles were encountered and how were they addressed?
Please include a reputable source that is less than 5 years old

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Traumatic brain injury care report

Traumatic brain injury care report

Traumatic Brain Injury Care Report 


Public health improvement initiatives (PHII) provide invaluable data for patient-centered care, but their research is often conducted in a context different from the needs of any individual patient. Providers must make a conscious effort to apply their findings to specific patients’ care.

In this activity, you will learn about a PHII, and explore its application to a particular patient’s care plan.

Patient Assignment

You continue in your role as a nurse at the Uptown Wellness Clinic. You receive an email from the charge nurse, Janie Poole.


From: Janie Poole

Subject: Patient Profiles

Good morning!

At last week’s conference I spoke with Alicia Balewa, Director of Safe Headspace. They’re a relatively new nonprofit working on improving outcomes for TBI patients, and I immediately thought of Mr. Nowak. At his last biannual cholesterol screening he mentioned having trouble with his balance. This may be related to his hypertension, but he believes it’s related to the time he was hospitalized many years ago after falling out of a tree, and expressed distress that this might be the beginning of a rapid decline.

Ms. Balewa will be on premises next week, and I’d like to set aside some time for you to talk.

— Janie

Alicia Balewa

Director of Safe Headspace

Interview Alicia Balewa to find out more about a public health improvement initiative that might apply to Mr. Nowak’s care.

I have a patient who might benefit from some of the interventions for TBI and PTSD you recently studied. What populations did your public health improvement initiative study?

My father came home from Vietnam with a kaleidoscope of mental health problems. That was the 1970s, when treatment options for things like PTSD, TBI, and even depression were very different. Since then there has been a lot of investment in treatment and recovery for combat veterans. That’s excellent news for veterans in treatment now, but they’re not looking at my dad, and how his TBI and PTSD have affected him through mid–life and now as a senior. That’s why I started Safe Headspace: to focus on older patients who are years or decades past their trauma, and find ways to help them.

Which treatments showed the strongest improvement?

Exercise. We were able to persuade about half of our participants — that’s around 400 people, mostly men ages 45–80 — to follow the CDC’s recommendations for moderate aerobic exercise. Almost everyone showed improvement in mood, memory, and muscle control after four weeks. After that a lot of participants dropped out, which is disappointing. But of the 75 who stuck with it for another three months, muscle control improved 15%, mood improved 22%, and short–to–medium term memory improved 61%. We didn’t specify what kind of exercise, but we did ask them to record what they did every week, so that data is available.

Second was medication and therapy. Most of our participants didn’t receive any kind of psychotherapy in the years immediately following their trauma, so we had everyone assessed by a team of psychotherapists. As a result of those assessments, 40% of participants started on anti–depressant medication and 9% started taking anti–psychotics. Those who started taking medications now have regular contact with a therapist to manage that care. With some help at home to stick to the regimen, all but a few have successfully followed their treatment plans. They’ve reported a 26% improvement in mood over six months, and a 6% improvement in memory.

The third treatment I want to mention is meditation. We only had a small group interested in trying it, but the results were dramatic. We prescribed daily meditation at home, just 10 to 15 minutes, with a weekly hour–long guided group meditation for all 23 participants. After three weeks we lost two to disinterest, but the other 21 showed improvements of over 70% in mood and memory, and 32% in muscle control.

Have you tried anything that hasn’t worked?

Sure. There are memory exercises for patients in elderly care, and things like Sudoku and crossword puzzles. We didn’t see any gains with those. Some of our participants preferred strength training to aerobic exercise, and the only improvement we saw in that group was in muscle control, but only 4%, which is significantly less than the aerobic group.

I should also say that we were working with a willing group of participants. They knew they needed help, and were motivated to get it. One of the hurdles we see with veterans, especially in older generations, is an unwillingness to acknowledge that they have a problem. We haven’t had to wrestle with that because everyone who volunteers to participate wants to be there.

Your organization is intervening with people who have TBI and PTSD simultaneously. We have a patient with moderate TBI suffered almost 40 years ago, but no history of PTSD. Have you separated your population and studied each separately?

We haven’t, no. In some cases we could, for those who come in with previous diagnoses and medical records. But we have participants who either weren’t diagnosed, were under–diagnosed at the time, or don’t have records to show us.


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Influencing Health Care Through Advocacy

Influencing Health Care Through Advocacy

Choose a legislator on the state or federal level who is also a nurse and discuss the importance of the legislator/nurse’s role as an advocate for improving health care delivery. What specific bills have the legislator/nurse sponsored or supported that have influenced health care?
Adhere to the following:

  • APA referencing style
  • 3 scholarly sources
  • 5 pages

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Drugs and Substance Abuse

Drugs and Substance Abuse

See attached discussion 1 instructions. For part 1 you may use the following link or one of your choice as long as it relates to New York. Minimum 2 paragraphs. APA format, use peer-reviewed article/s and the text book to support your opinion/position. TEXT is “Drugs, Society and human Behavior”, 17ed by Hart
For part 2, please read both posts and respond to each separately. What are your thoughts on the events reported. Minimum one paragraph each.

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Website Critique Healthcare Facility

Website Critique Healthcare Facility

Write a two-page website critique (cite the website) for each of the following for a total of 10 pages:
a. US Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS)
b. The Joint Commission
c. American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE)
d. Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)
e. Health Insurance Importability and Accountability Act (HIPPA)
Ensure that the following questions are answered in the two-page critiques for each website.
1. Is this a government (.gov), commercial (.com), not for profit (.org), educational (.edu), or some other type of site? What significance does that have for bias and reliability? Cite any evidence of bias or reliability or bipartisanship.
2. Identify who would benefit from using, browsing, or analyzing this site. Identify job positions or categories of employees or advocacy groups and other stakeholders and organizations, associations, etc. that would benefit from the site. How will they benefit?
3. If you have used this site before or are otherwise familiar with it, cite how you used it and what value it had. If new to it, cite what value you forecast it could have. Assess its “user friendliness” and overall usefulness.
4. In terms of content and any other aspects of the site, how can it be used to address, be informed about, or help resolve issues in healthcare or human
services? List the kinds of research, on-the-job questions, and current issues that can be addressed by using the current information on the site or by continuing to use it. If it explains a law, what is the law, was it understandable, is it a long-term resource for you.
5. What additional information or other improvements would you add to this site to help it achieve what it states as its purpose or appears to have as its reason for existence? What should be added, modified, or deleted, and why?
6. See where else this site leads you. Summarize and follow a few of its links. How useful were they? What relation do they have to this site? What are the connections?
7. Are there a theme or a slant on this site? Is there a position or agenda? Consider the theme or agenda this site may have politically, philosophically, or commercially? Does it promote memberships? Are they free or is there a fee for individuals or organizations? Does the site accept donations or funding and does that affect its objectivity or character?
8. Discuss any other interesting findings you make on this site.

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Case Study Healthcare Economics

Case Study Healthcare Economics

Economics helps managers focus on key issues. Economics helps managers understand goal-oriented decision-making. Economics helps managers understand strategic decision-making. Economics gives managers a framework for understanding costs. Economics gives managers a framework for understanding market demand. Economics gives managers a framework for assessing profitability
Chapter 2: Healthcare products are inputs into health. Healthcare products are also outputs of the healthcare sector. The usefulness of healthcare products varies widely. Marginal analysis helps managers focus on the right questions. Life expectancies have increased sharply in the United States in recent years.
Other wealthy countries have seen larger health gains with smaller cost increases. The healthcare sector is changing radically in response to technology and policy changes
Research an article related to a concept in Chapter 1 or 2 from a peer-reviewed journal. The article should be related to the health care sector. Write a summary of the article. Include the title and source of the article at the beginning of the summary.

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