Politics of Carbon and Greenhouse Gases Reduction Programs

President Biden announced a new target for the United States to achieve a 50-52 percent reduction from 2005 levels in economy-wide net greenhouse gas pollution in 2030 – building on progress to-date and by positioning American workers and industry to tackle the climate crisis. The announcement – made during the Leaders Summit on Climate that President Biden is holding to challenge the world on increased ambition in combatting climate change – is part of the President’s focus on building back better in a way that will create millions of good-paying, union jobs, ensure economic competitiveness, advance environmental justice, and improve the health and security of communities across America.
Develop a business plan or technical approach in the energy-related sector to be aligned with this action.

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Firefighting Strategies and Tactics

Each student is required to complete a descriiptive research report, in APA format, from
the perspective of the Incident Commander, detailing the following items related to the
Lesson 10 Case Study:
Provide a scene size-up in accordance with the standard operating procedure
utilized by the organization that you represent.
Provide a copy of the Standard Operating Procedure in the form of
an Appendix A of your report.
o If you are not affiliated with an organization identify an organization and
provide a copy of their Standard Operating Procedure regarding scene
size-up, or refer to the content found in Lesson 4 content and Chapter 4 of
the course textbook.
Provide a copy of the Standard Operating Procedure you utilize in
the form of an Appendix A of your report.
Identify and discuss hazards associated with Multiple-Family Dwelling fires and
as observed in the case study video.
Identify and discuss the incident priorities for this case study.
Identify and discuss the nine (9) strategic goals listed in the course textbook as
they relate to the case study video and how you would address each goal.
Provide a meaningful conclusion and/or recommendations section that is
grounded in the content of your narrative.
* Use Times New Roman font size 12 for your class project.
Eastern Gateway Community College
Fire Science Program
* Use the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association [APA],
6th edition as reference to complete the class project.

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Energy Policy and World Politics

Suggested breakdown of the paper’s content:
~ 2 pages: Outline the energy-related problem/issue.
~ 2 pages: Use peer-reviewed (i.e. journal) articles assigned for class and/or survey the
literature at scholar.google.com. Select and review 3-4 relevant policy studies. Relevancy
may be qualified by a study’s topical focus as well as by analogy.
~ 5 pages: In light of your literature review, present and compare three policies: the status
quo and two alternatives to the status quo. One of the alternatives must be proposed in the
“Green New Deal.”
1) In an introductory paragraph, justify each of these policies in a general sense, and
outline the stakeholders.
2) Conduct economic and political analyses of your three policies as follows:
Economic analysis:
o Review Weimer and Vining, Ch.14.
o Conduct a “solution analysis” in line with pp.343-351 and Tables 14.1 and 14.2.
o Include a table in the appendix of your paper resembling Table 14.2 from Weimer and
Vining. Each cell of the table should be referenced either in the main text of your paper
or in footnotes/endnotes.
o Two goals (but not necessarily the impact categories defining these goals) that will be
shared across all students will be “fiscal health” and “social and economic well being.”
The remaining goal(s) will be specific to your specific policy area, the status quo, and
your identified alternatives.
o Base your predictions/expectations on real-world phenomena.
Political analysis:
o Review Weimer and Vining, Ch.11.
o Identify and provide details about the relevant actors in line with pp.264-268 and
Table 11.1.
o Include a table in the appendix of your paper that resembles Table 11.1 from Weimer
and Vining. Each cell of the table should be referenced either in the main text of your
paper or in footnotes/endnotes.
o Identify the anticipated political strategies that may be taken by each of these actors in
line with pp.268-274.
o Base your predictions/expectations on real-world phenomena, particularly media
reports and public opinion surveys.
3) Prescribe a policy – status quo, policy option 1, or policy option 2 – and defend your
choice. Review Weimer and Vining pp.351-357 for details about this process. Both
economic and political analyses must be acknowledged in your prescription.
~ 1 page: Discuss the implications of your selected policy in terms of its long-term vs.
short-term implications.

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Social Issue in Colonial Hong Kong from 1842 to 1997

Theme: Exploring Colonial Hong Kong through the Lens of Gender, Class and/or Race
Set up a research field
Search for primary sources (esp. case studies)
Study secondary sources (scholarly literature)
Narrow down the field by defining a research question
Evaluate and analyze your primary sources, respond to the
secondary sources
Conclude your finding and highlight your contribution
Give your research a title
This assessment aims to:
1. Arouse your interests in and exposure of studying historical changes in a society from multiple aspects
2. Help you develop historical consciousness of social identities and the relations between
individuals and society on the lines of gender, class and race
3. Sharpen your understanding about the significance of social indicators to studying history with reference to the case of Hong Kong
1. Select at least one social indicator as your lens(women)
2. Plan your project with a particular focus on a social issue of colonial Hong Kong from
1842 to 1997 (e.g., work, housing, education, migration, medical care etc.)
3. Form a research question about your research focus and study it with your chosen lens
4. Think of other written sources to supplement your photographs for presentation, such as history books, scholarly works, governmental documents, archives, surveys, reports, newspapers, and so on
5. Both private and public written and visual sources should be properly cited (APA form or Chicago-style)
6. Give your article a title
7. At least 6 references. Word limit: 2,000, including footnotes and bibliography

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Elements of Art and Principles of Design choose artist(s)

Choose two artists discussed in your textbook that you find interesting and that you would like to know more about. You will research these artists online and write a paper following the template below. Choose a major work by each artist. You will discuss the Form (how it looks),Context (who made it including their history and cultural perspective), and Content (the subject as well as the meaning) of each work. Start you paper with a vivid description of the work. Discuss it in terms of the Elements of Art as we learned them in the textbook. Answer questions such as: How big is it? What is it made of? How does the artist employ line, texture, value, shape, color and light? Also discuss the
work in terms of the Principles of Design including balance, emphasis or focal point, scale and proportion, unity/variety, and repetition and rhythm.
Then you will discuss briefly the Content of the work. At the most basic level Content includes the subject matter. At a deeper level, something of the intended meaning would be included. You have to research that.
Up to a third of your 1,000 words per artist should be made up from Context. When was the piece made? What was going on at that time that affected the making of the work? Who made it? What was the dominant style of the work? Or, how did the work fit in with the dominant styles in play at the time of its creation? Write at least 1000 words for each artist you have chosen. This is not a formal research paper so you do not need to include citations. I want to see your own thoughts and words so do not copy passages from references (these would not answer the above questions anyway), rather Tell me in your own words how the artist has employed the Elements of Art and Principles of Design as laid out in your text. Your paper must be at least 2000 words. Artist list (choose only 2) Kara Walker, Chris Ofili, Lorna Simpson, Andy Goldsworthy

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Developing assessment tools Bloom’s Taxonomy

This assignment is based on your study of Teaching to Transgress. After reading and annotating this “Introduction” to bell hooks’ text:
Develop 5 multiple-choice questions (13 points)
The questions should draw on information from the entire “Introduction”
At least 3 of the 5 questions must be at the “Applying and/or Analyzing” levels of the revised Bloom’s Taxonomy
Use the resources in this module to assist you in developing effective multiple-choice questions
Develop an essay question – the question must be at the “Evaluating” level of the revised Bloom’s Taxonomy (10 points)
Develop a scoring rubric for your essay question (10 points)

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Globalization and Multiculturalism

The recent pandemic has highlighted the need to review a globalization strategy. It is without question that politicians, government officials, and business leaders among others will be conducting a deep assessment of business continuity and a means to protect the commerce of the nation going forward.
Based on your readings and insight during this semester how may information systems be better utilized to perhaps help us as a nation toward proactive measures (without global isolation) to maintain our global standing in trade and commerce?

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Corruption scandals in for and non-profit organizations based on the chosen organization

Corruption scandals in for and non-profit organizations based on the chosen organization.
• Minimum work requirements:
• In the work, please refer to the most important concepts related to the topic: definitions of corruption, types of corruption, myths about corruption, corruption prevention, ethical scandals, ethics/codes of conduct, ethical infrastructure
• Please justify the choice of the organization as a subject of work, characterize the chosen organization from the world of business /science, describe its history, professed values, individual elements of ethics Next, I am asking you to describe the reasons for a given corruption scandal, what was the scandal main issues, the role of the media in the process of revealing the corruption scandal, the course of the corruption scandal, consequences for the guilty and the victims, conclusions). Next, I am asking for a critical assessment of the organization described from the perspective of the author/authors of the work, with the strengths and weaknesses of the organization being discussed in the context of ethical/unethical behavior.

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Comparative analysis of codes of ethics/ codes of conduct of Universities from Gulf Region

Comparative analysis of codes of ethics/ codes of conduct of Universities from the Gulf Region (Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE) and Europe/ USA/ Asia.
• Minimum work requirements:
• In work, please refer to the most important concepts related to the topic: academic ethos, core values, mission, vision, codes of ethics/codes of conduct, honor codes, and ethical infrastructure.
• Please justify the choice of the organization as a subject of work, characterize the chosen organization from the world of science, describe its history, professed values, individual elements of ethics code/infrastructure, with examples of the behavior of the academic community members, ways of acting, relationships with subordinates and co-workers, students, etc. in the context of a declared policy on ethics with specific examples of behavior. Next, I am asking for a critical assessment of the organization described from the perspective of the author/authors of the work, with the strengths and weaknesses of the organization being discussed in the context of ethical/unethical behavior.

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Sustainability in action based on the chosen organization

Sustainability in action based on the chosen organization.
(Google, Intel, LEGO, Microsoft, Walt Disney Company, BMW Group, Robert Bosch, Cisco Systems, Rolls-Royce Aerospace, Colgate-Palmolive, Starbucks, Apple, etc)
• Minimum work requirements: • In the work, please refer to the most important concepts related to the topic: definitions, evolution/history of sustainable development, principles of sustainability, types of sustainability, explain why is sustainability so important, the leader’s role in developing in the sustainability in the organization, etc. • Please justify the choice of the organization as a subject of work, characterize the chosen organization from the world of business /science, describe its history, professed values, individual elements of ethics.Next, I am asking you to describe the examples of behaviors/actions/strategies developed for particular stakeholders for implementing sustainability philosophy/ sustainable development in the chosen organization. • Next, I am asking for a critical assessment of the organization described from the perspective of the author/authors of the work, with the strengths and weaknesses of the organization being discussed in the context of sustainability philosophy implementation.

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