Leadership and Management Reflective Summary Paper

Critically reflect on the learning activities you were engaged in throughout this course. Comprehensively defend how you met each of the following Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN)-based student learning outcomes (SLOs) through the completion of learning assignments. Provide at least one excellent example of a learning activity that helped you meet each SLO. How did the activity relate to the QSEN competency identified in the SLO? If you feel an outcome was not accomplished, explain why and what changes in the course could be made to accomplish it. Be sure to include all learning activities completed in this course. This reflection should be 1-2 pages in length, with no errors in APA formatting, grammar, or spelling. It must be well-organized and grammatically correct. Review the grading rubric. This and all other reflection summaries for each course in the program will be included in the e-portfolio required in the final course of this program.
1. Discuss the significance of evidence-based principles of leadership and management to promote the efficient performance of the health care team (EBP & T/C)

2. Characterize the responsibility inherent in leader/manager nursing roles related to assuring quality in the delivery of patient-centered care (PCC)

3. Participate in a quality improvement process (QI)


4. Explore the role of the nurse leader/manager as an integral member of the interdisciplinary team (T/C)

5. Elaborate on methods to promote a culture of safety within the health care team or organization (S)

6. Explore the facilitation of information dissemination throughout an organization (I)

Provide a paragraph or two in which you critically and comprehensively appraise your own progress through the course, as well as your personal strengths and weaknesses. Clearly present strong strategies to maintain strengths and overcome weaknesses, and provide a timeline in which you should complete these strategies.

Explore a potential Professional Organization website that you are interested in becoming a member of. Then:
• Provide a brief summary of what the organization is about and why you believe this will advance your career.
• Discuss a time management or stress reduction technique you have utilized or learned about in your time as a BSN student that will help you as you move forward.
• Post two career goals and strategies for obtaining those goals.


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Quality and Safety Education for Nurses QSEN

Critically reflect on the learning activities you were engaged in throughout this course. Comprehensively defend how you met each of the following Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN)-based student learning outcomes (SLOs) through the completion of learning assignments. Provide at least one excellent example of a learning activity that helped you meet each SLO. How did the activity relate to the QSEN competency identified in the SLO? If you feel an outcome was not accomplished, explain why and what changes in the course could be made to accomplish it. Be sure to include all learning activities completed in this course. This reflection should be 1-2 pages in length, with no errors in APA formatting, grammar, or spelling. It must be well-organized and grammatically correct. Review the grading rubric. This and all other reflection summaries for each course in the program will be included in the e-portfolio required in the final course of this program.
1. Discuss the significance of evidence-based principles of leadership and management to promote the efficient performance of the health care team (EBP & T/C)

2. Characterize the responsibility inherent in leader/manager nursing roles related to assuring quality in the delivery of patient-centered care (PCC)

3. Participate in a quality improvement process (QI)


4. Explore the role of the nurse leader/manager as an integral member of the interdisciplinary team (T/C)

5. Elaborate on methods to promote a culture of safety within the health care team or organization (S)

6. Explore the facilitation of information dissemination throughout an organization (I)

Provide a paragraph or two in which you critically and comprehensively appraise your own progress through the course, as well as your personal strengths and weaknesses. Clearly present strong strategies to maintain strengths and overcome weaknesses, and provide a timeline in which you should complete these strategies.

Explore a potential Professional Organization website that you are interested in becoming a member of. Then:
• Provide a brief summary of what the organization is about and why you believe this will advance your career.
• Discuss a time management or stress reduction technique you have utilized or learned about in your time as a BSN student that will help you as you move forward.
• Post two career goals and strategies for obtaining those goals.


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Interview Essay Help

For this assignment you are required to sit down for a conversation with someone whose religious identity differs from your own (this means that if you identify as Christian, for example, you should find a conversation partner who does not identify as such). The purpose of this exercise is for you to engage with someone else in a conversation about religion. That means that you will not only ask questions, but you will hopefully answer questions about your own beliefs, as well. Please note atheist and agnostic are not acceptable choices for your assignment as neither is recognized as a religion.
Before meeting with your partner, review the above article for this activity, “Talking About Religion – How to Do It Right” (link in Required Resources), for some guidance on how to engage in conversations about religion. You may also wish to share this information with your partner, if needed.
In this assignment, you will listen to the ideas of someone whom you identify as religiously “other.” You will share your own ideas (though to a lesser extent) and report on what you learned about this other religion, including your partner’s beliefs and how those beliefs compare to your own religious upbringing and/or current practice.
The report should describe the major topics of discussion (below) and a detailed summary of what you learned. Your final essay should include all of the following:
a. Introduction: Provide some cultural and historical context for the religious tradition of your conversation partner. Include why you chose this religion and person. (It is important that you do some research before you have your conversation so that you ask informed questions that come from genuine interest.) This should not be a long section of the essay.
b. Describe your conversation partner’s beliefs. Include the following 8 elements of religion from Week 1:
 Belief system. Several beliefs fit together into a complete and systematic interpretation of the universe and the place of humans in it; it explains a religion’s worldview. Highlight the most important.
 Community. How are the belief system and its ideals practiced as a group of believers who come together? How do they come together?
 Central myths. Stories that express the religious beliefs and history of a religion and give it meaning through retelling and/or re-enacting (e.g., major events in the life of Krishna, the enlightenment of Buddha, death and resurrection of Jesus, Mohammed’s escape from Mecca, Israelite’s escape through the Red Sea, and so on).
 Ritual. Ceremonies and/or Rites that enrich beliefs.
 Ethics. Rules about human behavior which are often believed to be given by a supernatural realm (God) or socially generated guidelines.
 Characteristic emotional experiences. Some emotions associated with religion are dread, guilt, awe, mystery, devotion, conversion, “rebirth,” liberation, ecstasy bliss, inner peace.
 Material expressions. Physical elements like statues, paintings, musical compositions, instruments, objects like incense, flowers, clothing, architecture or sacred places.
 Sacredness/Holiness. A distinction is made between what is ordinary and what is sacred through use of a different language or ceremony or clothing or acts of reverence. Certain objects, actions, people and places may share or express sacredness/holiness (e.g., receiving communion, Mecca, an altar, a shrine, the Dali Lama, menorah).
c. Identify any conflicts between the stated beliefs of their tradition and their personal beliefs.
d. After hearing your partner’s description, explain whose theory of the origin of religions (Week 1) you think offers the best explanation for his/her religion?
e. What challenges can your partner identify that their religious tradition faces in the modern world in respect to questions of justice and social justice? Do they feel that their tradition is responding positively? Explain.
f. Examine if the tradition is focused on belief (orthodoxy) or behavior (orthopraxis).
g. Compare your partner’s beliefs and practices to your own religious upbringing and/or current practice. This is to be done in the report not as a debate with your partner.
h. Conclusion: Conclude with your personal reaction to this experience and any additional questions that came up after your conversation.
This is a formal academic paper, so pay careful attention to the basics of writing a good English composition, to essay structure, and complete APA.
In addition to outside sources, make sure to reference your textbook and/or lesson.
Writing Requirements (APA format)
• Length: 1200-1500 words (not including title page or references page)
• 1-inch margins
• Double spaced
• 12-point Times New Roman font
• Title page
• References page (Cite textbook/lesson and a minimum of 1 outside scholarly source.)
• Page or paragraph for in-tex

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Freedom to make decision at work and orientation

Please write the Part1,2,4,5 based on the red requirement and some part finished below. Make it read smoothly. Graph is excluded in the page count.
Please write the Part1,2,4,5 based on the red requirement and some part finished below. Graph is excluded in the page count.
1. Introduction (around 1 pages)
• Brief introduction describing your topic and what will appear in the essay.

Descriptive information (around 1 pages)
• This section discusses the data and variables that you are using in your paper

 What are the dependent and independent variables in your model?
4. Empirical and Critical Analysis (around 2 pages)
• Using the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (Add Health) data, the paper should present an original empirical analysis on your topic.
• Regressions can be run that aim to answer your question of interest. Possible questions that could be answered are:
 What is the relationship between height (for example) and wages?
 Do your findings match the results from related research?
 What are the policy implications of your findings?

5. Conclusion (around 0.5 page)
• Summarize the findings of the research paper.

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Lincoln and King on Separation of the Church and the State

Almost one hundred years separate Lincoln’s second inaugural address delivered on March 4, 1865 from
Martin Luther King, Jr.’s open letter from Birmingham Jail was written on April 16, 1963. One hundred years is not a
long time historically, but it is an eternity for a people oppressed and mistreated for several centuries, including most of the history of our young nation.
In a minimum of 750 words, analyze Lincoln’s address and King’s letter:
Discuss three things that connect Lincoln and King through these writings
Discuss at least one thing that separates them
What stands out most in your mind in Lincoln’s address and King’s letter?
Select one other reading and or a video clip for this week and explain how it adds to your perspective of
Lincoln’s address and King’s letter.
Abraham Lincoln, Second Inaugural Address
Martin Luther King Jr., Letter from Birmingham Jail

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Analyzing an Issue or Event in Wellness Through the Lenses of History and the Humanities

Analyzing an Issue or Event in Wellness Through the Lenses of History and the Humanities
Overview: For the first part of your final project, the critical analysis portfolio, you will select an issue or event in wellness and critically analyze it through the four general education lenses: history, humanities, natural and applied sciences, and social sciences. By viewing the issue/event through these lenses, you will gain insight into how the interconnected nature of wellness affects society, as well as both your own individual framework of perception and the choices,
attitudes, and behaviors of others in the world around you.
For this second milestone, due in Module Four, you will analyze your issue/event from Milestone One through the history and humanities lenses. This will provide you with a chance to practice analyzing your issue/event through these lenses and receive feedback on this practice attempt.
Prompt: First, review the overviews and resources in Modules One through Three, as well as the IDS Four General Education Lenses document in the Reading and
The resources section of Module One.
Next, analyze your issue/event through the lens of history, and address the following:
• How does this issue/event interact with the history lens and impact social issues?
• In what ways does the history lens help articulate a deeper understanding of the social issue(s) that inform your issue/event?
Next, analyze your issue/event through the lens of the humanities by exploring the following questions:
• How is this issue/event portrayed creatively in society? What is the message or commentary of this representation?
• How does this representation interact with you in your personal and professional lives?
Note: You are completing two separate analyses: one from history and one from the humanities. You must submit two papers in a single Word document.
Be sure to use evidence from research to support your analysis. Refer to course resources, the IDS 402 Research LibGuide (linked in the Start Here section of your course), and any other pertinent resources to support your responses. Relevant current news sources may be used with instructor approval.
Incorporate instructor feedback into your final project.
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
I. Lens Analysis: In this section of your assignment, you will analyze your issue/event through two of the four general education lenses.
A. Analyze your issue/event through the lens of history for determining its impact on various institutions. Utilize evidence from research to
support your analysis.
B. Analyze your issue/event through the lens of the humanities for determining its impact on various institutions. Utilize evidence from research to support your analysis.

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Wellness event spiritual, emotional, and physical well-being

The wellness event is dedicated to advancing human beings’ spiritual, emotional, and physical well-being. Numerous critical cases have been brought up regarding the health condition of innumerable people in their present lives. The majority of people are evaluated to see whether they are suffering from a disease due to their inability to focus on physical fitness activities. It should be noted, specific problems, such as excessive weight gain, obesity, improper metabolic processes in the body, and other destructive organizational operations, may be seen as a result of a lack of wellness programs. In contemporary living, wellness is comprised of seven critical proportions that must be observed. Physical, social, spiritual, and environmental dimensions all contribute to wellbeing. Additional points of interest include emotional, occupational, and intellectual. Apart from welfare, there are financial terms. However, the proposal’s objective is to promote human physical health, especially in the workplace.

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Critical Analysis Portfolio

Submit your final portfolio—an analysis of an issue or event in wellness through the four general education lenses: history, humanities, social sciences, and natural and applied sciences.
Note: Be sure to incorporate instructor feedback from your final project milestones into this final submission, particularly Milestones One, Two, and Four.
To complete this assignment, review the Final Project Part One Guidelines and Rubric PDF document.

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