Clinical Practice Guideline Assignment

Find evidence-based, current clinical practice guidelines.
This is all you have to do:
1) Find a clinical practice guideline for a condition you anticipate treating in your APRN role The clinical practice guideline must be evidence-based and written within the past five years.
2) Submit a pdf of the guideline.
3) Write a brief description of the guideline, including the PICOT question/s addressed and two recommendations including the strength. This is the PICOT
question/s and recommendations from the guideline itself, NOT ONES YOU DEVELOP ON YOUR OWN.
Find a clinical practice guideline for a condition you anticipate treating in an APRN role. The clinical practice guideline must be evidence-based and written within the past five years.
Submit a pdf copy of the guideline and a description with the following information: PICOT question/s addressed, and two recommendations including the strength

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White Paper on Malnutrition Essay Help

What is a White Paper?
You have undoubtedly done many research papers in your undergraduate degree. You will find that writing a white paper is very similar to writing a research paper. You will identify one issue, research it, analyze what you find in the literature, and create a well-reasoned compelling recommendation for a course of action.
There are a few differences between a research paper and a white paper. White papers are not typically scholarly papers, but rather professional reports written to convey information to key stakeholders outside the healthcare organization in an efficient and highly professional manner.
Though not formal research papers, white papers are evidence-based. Researching and synthesizing the literature is imperative.
What to Expect:
The project assignments in HSC517 are all interrelated. Each assignment builds on the previous assignment. By the end of the course, you will have created a final product, your white paper, that will be a fantastic learning experience, and also be a great addition to your Excelsior College portfolio.
The HSC517 project provides you with an opportunity to explore in-depth a healthcare delivery system issue of interest to you, specific to a population of interest to you. You will become an authority on this delivery systems issue. Here’s a preview of how the creation of your paper {or white paper} will evolve throughout the course:
Prior Efforts and Recommendations
In this component of the white paper, you will review what you have written so far and provide evidence-based descriptions of what has been done so far to address your chosen topic. Then, you will provide a strong evidence-based recommendation to address your chosen topic. Specifically, you will highlight what you believe, in your expert opinion based on what you have learned, is especially important in addressing this issue. You will then recommend and describe current and prospective solutions. Please address the following:
What has been done to date to try to address the issue (choose 1-2 efforts from the literature)?
Your analysis of the successes and failings of these efforts.
A recommended solution to this issue, fully backed by the evidence base.
Note: If you are recommending a health app, this will be the foundation of your recommendation. Be very specific about what your proposed app or innovation will do to address the issue, who the app’s target user group will be, and any other information that will help to explain how your app will make a difference.
Since you will be referring frequently to what you have learned in your review of the literature, it will be critical to cite your sources frequently within your white paper. Note that this is very similar to the “main body” of a research paper, written for a professional audience in a highly professional tone rather than an academic one.
While you will continue to write in a formal and highly professional manner as you did in Module 4, you will be able to also begin to use persuasion for your recommended solution, using the evidence as the main tool in your persuasive argument.

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Patient violence against healthcare workers

Write an essay in which you discuss strategies for preventing patient violence against healthcare workers. Format your paper in APA style. Length of the paper to be 7 pages, and use at least 5 scholarly sources.

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ADHD children diagnosis overdiagnosis treatment

Write a comprehensive literature review about ADHD children, diagnosis, overdiagnosis, and treatment.

You are required to deliver 10 pages formatted in APA style. Also, include at least 5 scholarly sources.

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Biopsychosocial and Treatment plan assignment

students will choose a student they have worked with (or are currently working with) in their practicum and complete a biopsychosocial assessment and treatment plan on their chosen student. *

Biopsychosocial should include the following:

Biological factors
– Age and gender
– Genetic dispositions
– Complications during mother’s pregnancy with student
– Delays in early development (crawling, eating, walking, talking, potty training, etc.)
– Medical illnesses
– Surgical history
– Prescription medications
– Lifestyle (diet, exercise, sleep)
– History of physical abuse/trauma

Psychological factors
– History of a mental health diagnosis
– General behavior and affect
– History of emotional abuse/trauma
– Coping skills
– Current or history of suicidal ideation and/or attempt
– Life stressors
– Is the student receiving psychotherapy?

Social factors
– Who the student considers to be their family
– Who they live with at home
– Positive relationships, who they receive support from
– Hobbies and activities
– Religious affiliation
– Community support
– Student strengths
– School history (behavior, grades, etc.)

Treatment plan Students will identify a brief treatment plan for their chosen student. This can be a treatment plan that you have already used, or one that you make up. The treatment plan should include the following:
– What is the main issue(s) you are wanting to address in your plan? How is the issue interfering with engaging in school?
– What is the overarching goal(s) (outcomes) you and your student have decided upon?
– What steps (objectives) will you set in place in order for your student to reach their goal?
– What intervention do you think is most appropriate to use in order to reach your student’s goal? Why? What does the research say about the intervention or the problem you are trying to address?
– How long will this treatment plan last?
– How often and for how long will you meet with your student?
– Have you obtained the necessary permission from parents, have you talked to teachers or observed the student?
– Where will you meet with your student?
– How will you track your student’s progress?
– If an outside referral is needed, identify where you will refer the student/family?



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Dietary Analysis Diet Analysis

1) Discussion:
* use the PDF files, the one named INFORMATION has all the data that you need to complete this assignment and there is also another one named EXAMPLE, just for your reference on how the assignment should be done
* 1-2 pages; 1000-1500 words;
* include the Estimated Energy Requirements (EER): 12634 kJ, the Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range (AMDR) for macronutrients, nutrients compared with the RDIs and AIs (for water, fibre and sodium) and any other dietary information you find necessary. Calcium and iron are nutrients of concern for many young people. If your calcium and iron intakes are less than 80% of the RDI, discuss practical ways to increase the dietary calcium and iron. Apply that for other nutrients also if necessary.
[Note: for this information check the pdf file for reference when completing this assignment, The EER/EERM is already there; AMDR are recommended percentage of energy contribution from three macronutrients (carbohydrates, protein and lipids); For individuals meeting the Recommended Dietary Intakes (RDI) will ensure the adequacy of individual nutrient; AI is used when RDI cannot be established (e.g. water, fibre and the Suggested Dietary Target for sodium is set at maximum intake at 2000mg/day), Upper Level of Intake (UL) is the safe amount to consume to avoid toxicity.]

2) How does your recorded diet differ from the Australian Dietary Guidelines and the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating for adults? Discuss and make recommendations, if necessary
* use the PDF file, the one with the information that you need to complete this assignment and there is also another one as an example

3) References:
*max 4
* use the Nutrient Reference Values website:
*use the Australian Gov Dep of Health website:
*include in-text citation from the sources

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Human microbiome assignment

We are going to take a closer look at the human microbiome. Go to PubMed and do a little research on:

One factor that influences the diversity and/or composition of the microbiome, for example, age, diet, physiological state, antibiotic use, stress, etc. OR
The linkage between the human microbiome and human health and disease.
Please focus on just one linkage; for example, the linkage between the microbiome and obesity or diabetes or Alzheimer’s disease.

In your post, be sure to include:

1-2 paragraphs summarizing what you learned
At least two references; at least one of these must be a peer-reviewed scientific article
If there are specific microbes that change in abundance/diversity or that are particularly implicated, be sure to mention these.

Citations must be in APA format.
Example of how to reference in essay:
Recent research suggests that the gut microbiome plays a role in modulating the risk of several chronic
diseases in humans, including type 2 diabetes, heart disease, inflammatory bowel disease, cancer, and obesity
(Singh et al., 2017). Therapies targeting the microbiome have shown clinical benefit (Sharma et al., 2020).
Sharma, A., Das, P., Buschmann, M., Gilbert, J.A. (2020) The future of microbiome-based therapeutics in
clinical applications. Clin Pharmacol Ther 107(1): 123-128. doi: 10.1002/cpt.1677.
Singh, R.K., Chang, HW, Yan, D. et al. (2017) Influence of diet on the gut microbiome and implications for
human health. J Transl Med. 15(1): 73.

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Goal Statement for Graduate School

Write an essay about your goals for graduate school. The goal statement essay for admission for graduate studies should be tailored to clinical mental health counseling. Include personal and professional experiences and educational background, your future, and your passion. Our team can help you write this essay.

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Nursing Research Article Review Help

Review week five’s discussion feedback from faculty and peers. Using the workflow chosen and created in week five, determine the T.I.G.E.R.’s initiatives which correlate with the selected workflow.
Explain how the evaluation of the workflow will be determined.
What type of information would need to be gathered to be used to evaluate the workflow’s implementation and effectiveness?
Identify at least two type of evaluation methods.
Responses need to address all components of the question, demonstrate critical thinking and analysis, and include peer reviewed journal evidence to support the student’s position.
Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.
Please review the rubric to ensure that your response meets the criteria.
Estimated time to complete: 2 hours

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Euthanasia Essay Help

Euthanasia is mercy killing. To be legalized or not. Argumentative essay. Ethics of euthanasia or mercy killing and ethics. Biblical view of euthanasia or mercy killing.
Must be a 4-page essay not including works cited page but must use these websites:

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