II. Abstract :
A. Summarize in less than 5 sentences in a paragraph to include the major issues discussed in your paper. Do not discuss or elaborate on your paper. Just tell the readers the key issues in the paper.
B. Single-spaced.
III. Introduction: state the issues and get readers interested.
Include the following issues:
A. How serious is the problem (drug, gang, corruption…)?
Cite recent news, stories, statistics, facts…
B. Why needs attention?
C. What other issues will be discussed?
IV. Main body :
Elaborate and discuss the main issues with *headings.
A. ____:
B. ____:
C. ____:
D. ____:
E. Programs and Policies:
Discuss how to deal with/manage/control the issues of your topic. (20%) of your grade. Cite 3 or more research & studies, and not your personal views or comments.
1. Cite evidence (Studies, research, past and current programs/policies) and not personal comments/opinions. No “I” or “you”, & use 3rd person writing.
2. Do not use/abuse direct quotations unless absolutely necessary. Instead, summarize or paraphrase the main ideas/concepts.
3. Need at least 5 refereed journal articles. Non-academic online sources are not acceptable.
V. Discussion and Conclusion:
A. Recap the major issues and argument of the paper.
B. Provide personal opinions and views.
VI. References
Give detail information on the sources you cited.
*All in-text citations should be included here & vise versa.
*Need at least 7 refereed journal articles with complete publisher’s information, including author (s), year, title, volume, issue and page number. E.g., Kantor, E. (2006). HIV Transmission and Preventions in Prison: HIV Incite
Knowledge Base Chapter, Prison Quarterly, 23, 55-78.
Grading criteria
A. Follow the required formats and sections;
B. Cite the sources;
C. Give headings D. Contents: Organization; logical arguments; creativity; and new information, balanced views
E. References; library research; F. Pages: 9 pages in main content; No need for a cover page. Put paper Title, Abstract and
Introduction on the same first page (please see Sample Paper).