SPSS Graphing Statistics Paper

SPSS Graphing Statistics Paper. We can help with any SPSS task.


(1.)Read Chapter 4 in Cronk. This will help provide the steps necessary to graph results in SPSS. {Book included in attached files}

(2.)Build a diagram in your assigned software showing a Bell curve representing the
information you used in the problem above.
(3.)Write a 1-page explanation that describes the central tendency and probability of this problem outcome.
(4.)Both the diagram and the explanation must be submitted,

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Variables in Statistics


(1.)Read Chapter 3 of Cronk. This will help prepare you to
use SPSS for analyzing descriiptive statistics, such as this activity. {Book included in attached files}
(2.)Read Chapter 2 of Salkind. This will help refresh your mind on measures for central tendency as well as instruct you on how to calculate for it in SPSS. {Book included in attached files}
(3.)Choose a question from the Time to Practice section of Salkind book chapter 2. Compute the instructions, print to PDF, and save to your desktop to submit to me.

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SPSS ANOVA Statistics Paper

SPSS ANOVA Statistics Paper. We can help with any SPSS task.

one of the ANOVA problems provided in the book so that you can practice getting results in SPSS.”

(1.)Read Chapter 7 in Cronk. This will help provide the guidance necessary for getting results for ANOVA models. {Book in attached files}
(2.)Review Chapter 13 of Salkind. Focus especially on the sections Computing the F-test Statistic and Using SPSS to Compute the F ratio. {Book in attached files}
(3.)Using your SPSS software, compute problem 4 on p. 260 of Salkind. Compute the instructions, print to PDF, and save to your desktop to submit. {Book included in attached files}

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Quantitative Analysis Paper

The full details is uploaded please consult that. Also please go by the rubric
1) Measures of Central Tendency (22 pts)
Variables used:
• AGEKDBRN: How old were you when your first child was born?
o Range: 12 years old to 51 years old
o Please note that missing cases include people who do not have children as well as people who did not answer the question.
• HEALTH1: Would you say that in general your health is Excellent, Very good, Good, Fair, or Poor?
o Range: 1-5
o Key: 1=Excellent, 2=Very good; 3=Good; 4=Fair; 5=Poor
a) Explain which of the measures of central tendency is best suited for understanding each variable & why. Be sure to demonstrate that you know what those
measures (and the standard deviation where applicable) mean and that you can articulate them in plain language.
2) Frequencies (22 pts)
Variables used:
• NATSPAC: Are we spending too much, too little, or about the right amount on the space exploration program?
• NATFARE: Are we spending too much, too little, or about the right amount on welfare?
o Range for both variables: 1-3
o Key for both variables: 1=too little; 2=about the right amount; 3=too much
o Preamble for both variables: We are faced with many problems in this country, none of which can be solved easily or inexpensively. I’m going to name some of these problems, and for each one I’d like you to name some of these problems, and for each one I’d like you to tell me whether you think we’re spending too much money on it, too little money, or about the right amount.
a) Explain the frequencies for each variable in plain language. Which type of chart is best for conveying this? (Defend your choice.)
b) What is the sociological significance of these frequencies/charts? If there is no sociological significance, explain why. (NOTE: These frequencies CANNOT tell us anything about a relationship between the variables. You need to explain the sociological significance of each separately.)
c) Is a chart or the raw numbers better for conveying the sociological significance? (Defend your choice.)
3) Crosstabs (22 pts)
Variables used:
• NATSPAC: Are we spending too much, too little, or about the right amount on the space exploration program?
• NATFARE: Are we spending too much, too little, or about the right amount on welfare?
o Range for both variables: 1-3
o Key for both variables: 1=too little; 2=about the right amount; 3=too much
o Preamble for both variables: We are faced with many problems in this country, none of which can be solved easily or inexpensively. I’m going to name some of these problems, and for each one I’d like you to name some of these problems, and for each one I’d like you to tell me whether you think we’re spending too much money on it, too little money, or about the right amount.
Explain the following in plain language:
a) Write a hypothesis or research question that demonstrates why a researcher might suspect these two variables of being related.
b) What do the cross-tabulated frequencies mean?
c) Do raw numbers or bar charts give us a better understanding of the relationship? Why?
d) Are the results statistically significant & how do you know?
The following are videos to help do it.

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Defining research theory

Compare and contrast the various types of research. Types include: nonexperimental, true experimental, quasi-experimental research.

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Police and Code of Silence

II. Abstract :

A. Summarize in less than 5 sentences in a paragraph to include the major issues discussed in your paper. Do not discuss or elaborate on your paper. Just tell the readers the key issues in the paper.

B. Single-spaced.
III. Introduction: state the issues and get readers interested.
Include the following issues:
A. How serious is the problem (drug, gang, corruption…)?
Cite recent news, stories, statistics, facts…
B. Why needs attention?
C. What other issues will be discussed?
IV. Main body :
Elaborate and discuss the main issues with *headings.

A. ____:

B. ____:

C. ____:

D. ____:
E. Programs and Policies:

Discuss how to deal with/manage/control the issues of your topic. (20%) of your grade. Cite 3 or more research & studies,  and not your personal views or comments.


1. Cite evidence (Studies, research, past and current programs/policies) and not personal comments/opinions. No “I” or “you”, & use 3rd  person writing.

2. Do not use/abuse direct quotations unless absolutely necessary. Instead, summarize or paraphrase the main ideas/concepts.

3. Need at least 5 refereed journal articles. Non-academic online sources are not acceptable.

V. Discussion and Conclusion:

A. Recap the major issues and argument of the paper.

B. Provide personal opinions and views.

VI. References

Give detail information on the sources you cited.

*All in-text citations should be included here & vise versa.

*Need at least 7 refereed journal articles with complete publisher’s information, including author (s), year, title, volume, issue and page number. E.g., Kantor, E. (2006). HIV Transmission and Preventions in Prison: HIV Incite
Knowledge Base Chapter, Prison Quarterly, 23, 55-78.

Grading criteria
A. Follow the required formats and sections;
B. Cite the sources;
C. Give headings D. Contents: Organization; logical arguments; creativity; and new information, balanced views
E. References; library research; F. Pages: 9 pages in main content; No need for a cover page. Put paper Title, Abstract and
Introduction on the same first page (please see Sample Paper).

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Data analysis and communicating findings

Each note should be composed of four parts:
Description of everything observed or that can be remembered
Identify a research study in your field ( health science /nursing) Feel free to use the ones that you have referenced in the discussions or in your literature review.
A critique of the research article’s Analysis section:
What type of data was used? Do you think this was the most appropriate data to use for this study? Why or why not?
How did the researchers analyze the data? What sort of statistics were provided?
How did the researchers present the data (e.g., charts, tables, figures, etc.)? Where are they used appropriately? Did they help you better understand the analysis?
A critique of the Results section:
Are the conclusions about the results logical? Are the implications, limitations, and recommendations for further research included?
Are they relevant to the current study and appropriate for furthering the literature in that area?
Based on your understanding of research methods, provide an overall statement of your analysis. Would you recommend this article to someone who might benefit from the information? Explain how it might (or might not) be applicable in practice.
See file for topic and references

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Data Analysis and Techniques for Informed Decision Making

Assignment 1:

This assignment focuses on data visualization and does not require actual data.
Using Excel and either your own data or the data set provided for the fictitious organization, determine three key performance indicators (KPI) to explain the trends in the data. Develop a dashboard in Microsoft Excel or another spreadsheet software and create at least one chart or graph for each KPI.
Use the techniques explored in the first five chapters of the “Storytelling with Data” book to enhance the visual appeal of your charts/graphs.
In a separate document, explain in detail why you feel each KPI is important, why you chose the chart/graph style, and what message you want to convey (e.g., positive, or negative trends over time).Assignment 2:

Imagine you will be summarizing the data from your KPIs and presenting it to the board of directors of your company.
Using Excel, the data set provided for your fictitious organization, your KPIs, and the charts you created for Part 1, create a dashboard showing the three key performance indicators (KPI) to explain the trends in the data. Include the charts and graphs you created and additional information.
Create a PowerPoint and presentation for the Data Project Part 3 – Final Presentation that you could use to summarize the data to C-level execs and include your dashboard, text, and visuals.
Explain in detail why you feel the data is important, and what message you want to convey (e.g., positive, or negative trends over time).

Assignment 3:
Using the lessons learned in this course, you will take the dashboard you created for Data Project Part 2 – Dashboard and incorporate it into a final presentation where you will attempt to persuade the class of your solution/decision based on the data. Record your final presentation as a 5 to 10-minute video.
Create a PowerPoint and presentation for the Data Project Part 3 – Final Presentation that you could use to summarize the data to C-level execs and include your dashboard, text, and visuals.


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Research Critique Analysis Paper

Times New Roman Font, 12 Point
no bolding or underline.
Page numbers in upper right hand corner of each page.
APA format
Research is within the added file.
Must write the questions below in the paper then answer the questions after typing them.
The critiques must address the following issues/questions:
Background and Significance
1. What was the purpose of the article?
2. What were the hypotheses tested?
3. What was the theory for making predictions?
Analyses (for all experiments reported in the article)
4. What statistical tests were performed?
5. What variables were analyzed?
a. If a correlation coefficient was computed, what variables were correlated?
b. If an ANOVA or a t-test was computed, what were the independent variables and
what were the dependent variables?
Experimental Design (for all experiments reported in the article)
6. What experimental design was used (Between, Within, or Mixed)? How do you know?
7. Was the study a true experiment (Yes or No)? How do you know?
8. What was the outcome of the statistical tests with respect to the hypotheses tested?
9. Were the results consistent or inconsistent with the authors’ predictions?
10. Do you believe the findings are universal? Explain. Consider the following:
a. Do the findings depend on basic cognitive processes that characterize the cognitive
system of all humans, regardless of time and place?
b. Do the findings depend on culture-specific knowledge that would differ from one
culture to another?

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Help with research proposal

Help with a research proposal. A research proposal is not an easy task. Yet every study at a higher level of education is required to write one. A research proposal begins with the identification of a research topic. Identifying the topic is also not a simple task. What will you do when you have challenges identifying a research topic and writing a research proposal and you have time constraints? If you cannot identify a good topic, you cannot write a good research proposal. In fact, the proposal would be useless.  What will you do if you know you will fail if you submit a substandard research proposal because you did not know to identify the topic and write a research proposal?  We can help you identify a good research topic and guide you or write a research proposal for you. You can use our proposal as a guide to refine yours to a better one. Kindly place an order and leave the rest to our expert writers in research proposals.

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