Functional Behavior Analysis (FBA) Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP)

Functional Behavior Analysis (FBA)
A functional behavior assessment (FBA) has five problem-solving components with clearly defined outcomes that require educators to be observant and to consider the world from the student’s perspective. The five problem-solving components in behavior assessment are as follows.
1. Define the problem (3 points). A FBA is a process for gathering and recording information that can be used to develop a theory about why the problem behavior occurs or recurs. Thorough assessment through a FBA maximizes the effectiveness and efficiency of the subsequent Behavior Intervention Plan. In defining the problem you should choose one behavior to focus on, perhaps the one behavior that is causing the biggest disruption. It is important that you do not combine several distinct behaviors into one overall vague behavior (e.g., “He has an attitude”). Describing the behavior in observable and measurable terms is critical so that all staff members who work with the student understand and target the same behavior. Here, you will define the problem.
2. Identify specific events, situations and times (3 points). The purpose of this second step is to help you look for patterns that will indicate what appears to set off the problem behavior. You should seek to answer key questions about when the behavior usually occurs and usually does not occur, such as, “Who is present while the behavior is occurring?”, “What is going on at the time?”, etc. Observations for this section of the FBA are usually conducted across different settings, personnel, time of day, and situations. Sometimes patterns of behaviors take time to be established.
3. Gather relevant information (3 points). In developing your FBA you should consider such potential factors as medical, physical, and social issues; eating, diet, and sleep routines; substance abuse history; stressful events; and past interventions (perhaps extending back several years). This information might be gathered through interviews with general education teachers, para-educators, psychologists, counselors, guardians, peers, and other service providers. You might also review relevant files on the child. Issues may be revealed that have contributed to the occurrence of the behavior.
4. Identify consequences (3 points). Consequences refer to those events that follow the problem behavior and maybe maintain (reinforcing) that undesirable behavior. In this step you will examine what consequence(s) may be increasing the likelihood that the student will perform the behavior again under similar circumstances. This helps you determine the function of the behavior.
Usually, a challenging behavior serves a purpose for the student, such as gaining power over someone, escaping a difficult task, gaining attention, or obtaining an item. Identifying the function of a behavior is complex because there can be more than one, or the function of a behavior can change depending on antecedents and consequences. If after analysis you are still unsure of the correct function, you might either gather more information or simply proceed with your best guess and make adjustments to your plan as needed. In addition, during this step you should also define what the desired behavior is, and examine the availability of reinforcement for that desired behavior.
5. Develop a theory (3 points). A theory is a “best guess” about the purpose the behavior has for the student, and is based on the data that was collected earlier. This would include one or more summary (or hypothesis) statements as to why the student engages in the problem behavior. This statement allows you to simplify and narrow down main antecedents and consequences of the target behavior, which will help to write a successful BIP. Often a visual representation (i.e., a behavioral graph showing the relationship between the behavior and the theorized antecedents and/or consequences) makes this theorized relationship more clearly understood. A visual representation is not required for this assignment.
Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP)
A behavioral intervention plan is comprised of practical and specific strategies designed to increase or reduce a definable set or pattern of behaviors exhibited by a student. These strategies address preventative techniques, teaching replacement behaviors, and thoughtful use of planned consequences, alternative reactions to the behavior of concern. The BIP is written based on the information gathered from the FBA and consists of positive intervention strategies and supports to address the behavior and needs of the student.
1. Definition of the target behavior (3 points). You should begin by reviewing the FBA, especially the detailed definition of the problem behavior. Then you should develop (a) a measurable goal stated in observable terms, using action verbs; and (b) identify the data collection system that will be used to measure progress.
2. Plan of prevention (3 points). Next you should develop a number of possible changes that you might make in the student’s environment that might reduce the problem behavior. To do this you should review the identified events, times, situations, or other factors that you identified as possibly related to and potentially eliciting the behavior.
3. Plan to teach (3 points). As part of a BIP you should consider teaching the student another behavior or skill that will compete with the problem behavior, and can accomplish the student’s desired outcomes in a more appropriate way. You should be detailed and specific when describing the alternative desired behavior you plan to teach.
4. Plan of response (3 points). You should consider and develop strategies that staff can use when the problem behavior occurs. It is important that all staff understands and uses these procedures consistently. Reactions and consequences must reinforce appropriate behavior, and not reinforce undesired behavior(s). This is easier to accomplish if you understand the function of the problem behavior. .
5. Crisis management (3 points). If an emergency situation occurs that requires the immediate use of crisis management procedures to protect the student or others from harm, staff must notify the student’s parent, and provide a written description of the situation to the school administrator. For the purpose of this assignment, even if the behavior is minor, a crisis management plan must be developed.
6. Data collection (3 points). You must have an objective data collection system in place to monitor progress and determine the direction of change. The data help determine if the original theorized function of the behavior is correct. In addition, visual representation (e.g., a behavioral graph) of the collected data can more clearly illustrate the effectiveness of the intervention and should be included. (For the purpose of this project, give an example of how you would collect data.)
7. Reflection (3 points). You will identify and evaluate the intended and unintended consequences of the BIP from your perspective and the perspective of the child. Ethical concerns can be noted as appropriate and recommendations for further action or advocacy

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