I’ve included 2 papers before this one describing my organization and ethical challenge.
In summary, format, reintroduce your organization, the ethical challenge you are addressing, and the philosophical principles and obligations that you have stated stakeholders must consider. Refer to your first two papers for this requirement.
Explain with sufficient detail Steps 3–5 of Cooper’s model for ethical decision making:
Step 3: When considering the ethical decision, identify the possible solutions.
Step 4: Describe the likely outcomes for each of these options.
Step 5: Choose what you believe is the best option and, including ethical principles, justify the reason for your decision.
As you envision the implementation of your ethical decision, discuss the:
Obstacles you anticipate
Steps you can take to minimize those possible objections
Organizational structures, policies, or controls which are essential to ensure the enactment of your decision
Integrate into your discussion how the decision you identified contributes to positive social change. That is, how does your solution contribute to the advancement of human rights and liberty? How does it contribute to justice and expand equity?
Add a conclusion that summarizes the key elements of your paper.
Please include 7 references not including Cooper and in-text citations all in APA format.
Author: Bernard
French Revolution and American Revolution
French Revolution and American Revolution
Compare and contrast the French Revolution to the American Revolution – the way violence happened, who was leading the revolutions, its origins.
Letter to a National Official
Letter to a National Official
Write to any national official in the United States on the topics of civil liberties, such as; the Patriot Act, abortion, Masks, or Vaccinations.
Be sure to put their name and address, just as you would in a normal letter.
Please be sure to include the citations/work cited page and follow the prompt that is in the uploaded file section of this order.
Healthcare Reform in USA
The purpose of this paper is to analyze healthcare reform as it relates to one chosen healthcare population of interest, such as women, children, elderly, homeless, and other vulnerable populations or populations with healthcare disparities. According to Artiga, Orgera, and Pham (2020), “health and health care disparities are commonly viewed through the lens of race and ethnicity, but they occur across a broad range of dimensions”, including age, socioeconomic status, gender and gender identity, as well as disability (What are health and health care disparities? section, para. 3). You will then choose a health concern related to your chosen population of interest (pregnancy, specific cancers, HIV, home healthcare, diabetes, heart disease, etc.) and review the benefits and challenges of health reform in care for the health topic of the chosen population of interest. It may helpful to think about healthcare issues of the population you currently care for in professional practice.
The paper should be no more than six pages in length, including the title page, 3-4 page body, and references page. Be sure to utilize the course writing resources, as well as Grammarly, to assist with writing (organization, APA, and grammar/punctuation).
Three of the references should come from peer-reviewed journal articles (review the library resource video from the Intro to Scholarly Writing course), and the others may come from legitimate professional and/or governmental websites.
The paper is to be written as a Word document in APA format (be sure to review use of appropriate APA header levels) to include:
Title page
Body of paper:
• Introduction: write a minimum of five complete sentences paragraph introducing the topic and include a purpose statement. Provide an introduction paragraph to the final paper. Remember, there is no header needed for the introduction paragraph.
• Analysis of Healthcare Reform (use a first level header): After setting up the Analysis of Healthcare Reform first level header, create second level headers for each section below included in the analysis:
o Healthcare Reform: provide an overview of healthcare reform with evidence to support from the textbook resource AND peer reviewed journals and reputable websites (i.e. Kaiser Family Foundation, CDC, National Institutes of Health (NIH), Institute of Medicine, World Health Organization (WHO), American Public Health Association, HRSA, state departments of health, American Nurses Association, etc.). Although WebMD is a good resource for information, it is not a reputable website for supporting a topic for a scholarly paper. Information should not be earlier than 2014, unless information is coming from the Affordable Care Act summary. For this section, you can take key information from peer reviewed articles and reputable webpages in the annotated bibliography assignment (see separate annotated bibliography assignment guidelines and rubric in the course).
o Chosen Population of Interest and Health Concern: describe the chosen population of interest and health concern and the reason you chose them in relation to healthcare reform. Support this section with information/evidence as noted above. For this section, you can use the chosen population and healthcare topic assignment once you make corrections and updates from faculty feedback.
o Benefits and Challenges of Health Reform for the Population of Interest: For this section, you can again take key information from the annotated bibliography assignment pertaining to benefits and challenges of health reform in relation to the chosen population of interest and their health concern.
o The Role of the Nurse: describe the role of the nurse when caring for the population of interest and their health concern and healthcare reform in five or more complete sentences. Support with information/evidence as noted above. For this section, add a five complete sentences paragraph of the nurses role.
•vConclusion (first level header) paragraph (minimum of five complete sentences): write a minimum of five complete sentences summarizing what was described in the healthcare reform paper.
• References page (first level) header and start on new page after the conclusion paragraph): the paper should include a minimum of FIVE references. Three of the references should come from peer-reviewed journal articles (review the library resource video from the Intro to Scholarly Writing course), and the others may come from legitimate professional and/or governmental websites (see above in the description of healthcare reform in general) or books/textbooks.
o Unless you are specifically citing and referencing information that has historical significance, such as the Affordable Care Act (2010), references should be no more than seven years old (no earlier than 2014).
Statistical significance z-score paired samples t-test descriptive and inferential statistics Pearson’s correlation and simple linear regression central tendency confidence interval
Statistical significance z-score paired samples t-test descriptive and inferential statistics Pearson’s correlation and simple linear regression measure of the central tendency confidence interval
Provide a brief practical explanation of statistical significance. (75 – 100 words)
Explain (with an example) how the z-score can be used for decision-making purposes in the health and behavioral sciences. (75 – 100 words)
Briefly explain the difference between descriptive and inferential statistics. (75- 100 words)
Why is the median the preferred measure of central tendency when outliers are present in a distribution? (75 – 100 words)
Identify and explain two factors that can influence the precision of a confidence interval. (75 – 100 words)
It is established that a confidence interval provides more useful information than just the level of significance. Briefly justify. (75 – 100 words)
Explain the difference between a histogram and bar chart in representing a distribution of values. (75 – 100 words)
Correlation does not equal causation. Potential confounding factors must always be considered.
Briefly explain the above statement. (75 – 100 words)
Explain the difference between Pearson’s correlation and simple linear regression. (75 – 100 words)
Write a research objective for which the paired samples t-test will be appropriate (50 – 75 words)
Leadership competency improvement and people development
LC Improvement Paper Guidelines:
1. Begin by choosing a case illustration or critical work incident in order to profile better the integration of the selected competency/skill in practical business operation.
2. Conduct a review of precedent literature related to and arising from the case illustration/critical work incident.
3. Analyze the selected precedent literature in terms of Dimension 1 (Transformational Servant Leadership Transformational Servant Leadership Values and Ethics) and Dimension 2 (Higher Ordered Thinking and Analysis).
4. Create a synthetic summary of best practices learned from evidence-based investigations and problem-solving in the area of leadership competency and other activities conducted.
5. Reflect on Step #4 in regards to implications for personal action. Address knowledge of self, needs of others, and organizational/business objectives, integration of relevant concepts, knowledge learned, and an action plan for future implementation.
6. Based on Step #5, articulate a personal action plan.
Greek vs Egyptian Sculpture
Comparison of Egyptian and Greek Sculpture 30 pts
For this assignment, you will be comparing the Egyptian sculpture of Menkaure (chapter 3) to the Greek Kouros.
After looking over these works in your book, read the article on Greek and Egyptian sculpture and watch the YouTube lectures posted below. Respond to the following questions and submit your paper into the submission folder.
Article: http://ancient-greece.org/art/kouros.html
YouTube Video, Influences on the New York Kouros and Anavysos Kouros:
1) Starting with your own observations and the first couple of paragraphs in the article, give a brief physical descriiption of Kouros (early Greek sculptures).
From what you see, how are they similar and different that Egyptian sculpture, such as that of Menkaure and others. Provide 3-5 observations or arguments. (8 pts)
2) From what you have learned in the reading, how is the purpose or function of Greek figurative (human form) sculpture different than Egyptian? In other words, why did the Egyptians make sculpture of people and how is that different from why the Greeks made them? Give 3-4 arguments. (8 pts)
3) What technical advancements or changes did the Greeks make in sculpture? (7 pts)
4) The Egyptians used the canon or grid to establish ideal beauty in their figures. The Greeks started with that but made gradual changes and developed a system of proportions. How are these systems similar and different? (7 pts)
In total, your paper should be about 1-1/2 pages long (single spaced). You do not have to number your responses but you do need to be sure to address each of the questions to earn full points. If you use any other sources of information (not recommended) please site them in your paper.
Unmanned Aircraft Operations in Domestic Airspace
UAV discussion questions
What are the major policy perspectives discussed in this paper? Do you disagree with any policy that was mentioned?
Defining research theory
Compare and contrast the various types of research. Types include: nonexperimental, true experimental, quasi-experimental research.
Coca Cola Company Financial Ratio Analysis
Company Ratio Analysis (easily the section that takes the most time to prepare) (75 points)
A. Compute ratios for 2 years for your company, most recent year for the competitor and use book from the library for industry (1 year), Yahoo comparisons, or the instructor.
B. You can use Yahoo! Finance or Reuters to get/calculate the ratios but need to interpret and explain them.
C. The ratios calculated and analyzed should be those presented on page 627 of the text.
D. Some companies, depending on the industry, may not have significant receivables or inventory. For these ratios which involve inventory and/or accounts receivable are not required. If in doubt, please pass this by the instructor before preparing Section 5.
E. Each ratio should have a paragraph for the meaning of the ratio (what it tells us), and a paragraph for your analysis, which includes how the company is performing over the two years presented, also compared to the competitor, and industry averages.
F. Students typically have a chart showing all the calculations.