Creating a Risk Register

Develop a project risk register using the provided risk register template. The risk register must include at least 10 project risks, both internal and external, as well as the projected response or responses to those risks. Keep in mind that you are conducting a project in a foreign country, Brazil, which itself will add some risk because the official language in Sao Paulo, Brazil is Portuguese.

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Writing a SOAP Note

S.O.A.P Note completed on the attached case study also attached is the essay written on the case study. A copy of a blank S.O.A.P note uploaded from the professor to utilize, along with documents to assist you.

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Program Grant in Healthcare Program

This assignment is to develop a health-related program and write a proposal for funding for the program. Below are the requirements for the program grant proposal. The idea program would include an after-school nutrition and healthy cooking program for children in underserved populations. Please use the bolding headings in the paper. Please read the transcript of the video of how the proposal should write. I was hoping to find out if I can send over the audio of the instructions. If you can let me know I can send to you so you can understand what professor wants.
Program Grant Proposal Guidelines
3-4 double-spaced, typewritten pages (can be longer but does not need to be longer), 12-point font and one inch margins. Pages/paragraphs listed below are only approximations.
Specific Aims (1-2 paragraphs)
State the aim of the program.
Identify the problem the program aims to solve
Must use research or data-based facts for the specific aims (citations needed)
General Program Description (1-2 paragraphs)
1. Write a 1 paragraph description of your program
Target Population (1-2 paragraphs)
Describe the population that will benefit from the program.
Why do they need the program?
Must use research or data-based facts to describe the target population
Project Description (1-2 pages)
Goal(s) (at least one) (may need more to cover entire project)
Objectives (2 objectives)
Activities (specific activities that will take place to achieve each objective)
Evaluation Plan
1) Construct a logic model
Budget (1 table) Include:
1) a line-item budget with dollar amounts for each activity/need
Conclusion (1 paragraph)
Summary of the proposal’s main points
Reference List, Appendices (does not count in page limit) References in APA format; Appendices

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Women and Gender in Islam

You are working on a Research Paper–provide a tentative title and topic that is well-conceptualized. Then generate or produce Annotated Bibliography (AB) of about 5 recognized books and 5 articles/volume chapters (peer-reviewed journals and scholarly volumes) using newly researched secondary sources to be incorporated into your paper. A significant portion of this research should be recent and impactful in the field (e.g. should consist of top peer-reviewed academic journals and well-reviewed books published with academic presses). For each Book, each entry should consist of about a page single-spaced, and for each article or book chapter, there should be no more than 6-8 sentences. These should consist of a description or set of notes summarising the author’s main claims or argument, your assessment of the strengths/weaknesses of this, and how you envision using this source in your future research project — e.g., for which part or section of your research paper, how you see it bolstering key claims or a position that you will be representing/extending/critiquing.
You should continue to refine your AB step-by-step and if you want to apply this AB to an actual paper you are working on, all the better! Your AB should be no less than 6-8 pages.

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Johns Hopkins Nursing Evidence-Based Practice JHNEBP PICOT Question

Your submission must be your original work. No more than a combined total of 30% of the submission and no more than a 10% match to any one individual source can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly. The originality report that is provided when you submit your task can be used as a guide.
You must use the rubric to direct the creation of your submission because it provides detailed criteria that will be used to evaluate your work. Each requirement below may be evaluated by more than one rubric aspect. The rubric aspect titles may contain hyperlinks to relevant portions of the course.
Tasks may not be submitted as cloud links, such as links to Google Docs, Google Slides, OneDrive, etc., unless specified in the task requirements. All other submissions must be file types that are uploaded and submitted as attachments (e.g., .docx, .pdf, .ppt).
A. Discuss the impact of a clinical practice problem on the patient(s) and the organization it affects.
1. Identify the following PICO components of the clinical practice problem:
• patient/population/problem (P)
• intervention (I)
• comparison (C)
• outcome (O)
2. Develop an evidence-based practice (EBP) question based on the clinical practice problem discussed in part A and the PICO components identified in part
Note: Refer to “Appendix B: Question Development Tool” for information on the creation of an EBP question.
B. Select a research-based article that answers your EBP question from part A2 to conduct an evidence appraisal.
1. Discuss the background or introduction (i.e., the purpose) of the research article.
2. Describe the research methodology.
3. Identify the level of evidence using the Johns Hopkins Nursing Evidence-Based Practice (JHNEBP) model.
Note: The article you select should not be more than five years old.
Note: Refer to “Appendix E: Research Evidence Appraisal Tool” for information on how to level a research-based article.
4. Summarize how the researcher analyzed the data in the article.
5. Summarize the ethical consideration(s) of the research-based article. If none are present, explain why.
6. Identify the quality rating of the research-based article according to the JHNEBP model.
Note: Refer to “Appendix E: Research Evidence Appraisal Tool” for information on how to establish the quality rating.
7. Analyze the results or conclusions of the research-based article and explain how the article helps answer your EBP question.
C. Select a non-research article from a peer-reviewed journal that helps to answer your EBP question from part A2 to conduct an evidence appraisal.
1. Discuss the background or introduction (i.e., the purpose) of the non-research article.
2. Describe the type of evidence (e.g., case study, quality improvement project, clinical practice guideline).
3. Identify the level of evidence using the JHNEBP model.
Note: The article you select should not be more than five years old.
Note: Refer to “Appendix F: Non-Research Evidence Appraisal Tool” for information on how to level the non-research-based article.
4. Identify the quality rating of the non-research-based article according to the JHNEBP model.
5. Discuss how the author’s recommendation(s) in the article helps to answer your EBP question.
D. Recommend a practice change that addresses your EBP question using both the research and non-research articles you selected for Part B and Part C.
1. Explain how you would involve three key stakeholders in supporting the practice change recommendation.
2. Discuss one specific barrier you may encounter when implementing the practice change recommendation.
3. Identify one strategy that could be used to overcome the barrier discussed in part D2.
4. Identify one outcome (the O component in PICO) from your EBP question to measure the recommended practice change.

E. Acknowledge sources, using APA-formatted in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.
F. Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.

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Ancient Greek Art and Cinema

Question: Using 4 quotations (with appropriate book and page numbers) from your reading of Plutarch’s Life of Julius Caesar and Life of Marc Antony, discuss how the portrayal of these two Roman men is similar to or different from their depictions in the film Cleopatra. Your examples must include 4 different quotations (2 for Caesar and 2 for Antony) and specific scenes in the film that we watched in class.
Your papers will be graded on the following criteria:
a) The 4 quotations you chose and how they relate to the rest of the reading of that individual’s biography. If you cannot cite 4 quotations (plus book and page numbers) with appropriate arguments, you will not receive credit. No quotations = no credit.
b) how well you can connect the 4 quotations to what you learned in this course, including the film Cleopatra that we watched. You can also bring in comparative material from the other films.
c) the clarity and originality of your argument. This means that you must give considerable thought to your answers.
d) your writing and editing. If your responses are grammatically incorrect and/or your sentences form a “word salad”, you will not receive credit. For this reason, it is a good idea to not only work on this paper long before the due date, but, if you are having problems, to use the Writing Center before you submit it.
• Please note that no points will be awarded if this final exam is less than 3 pages. Also, plagiarism of any kind will result in a grade of F for the course and appropriate disciplinary action as stipulated by the university.
• Please also note that I will not read your paper before the due date since by now you already have the necessary background from the course (the relevant
PowerPoint presentations can be found on BB). You also have over two weeks to complete this assignment so any help you may need with it should be addressed to the Writing Center.
• Late submissions will not be accepted and will result in a grade of F for the final exam.
Please write this well, my professor is a tough grader, cite quotes correctly. Please read the above carefully and follow step by step .

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Medievalism Braveheart and The Outlaw King The Kingdom of Heaven

The final paper will focus on Braveheart and The Outlaw King OR The Kingdom of Heaven (though other films assigned in class may be used and are encouraged to be used for this paper). The articles and books provided will help you answer the prompt.

Prompt: This paper is more open than previous papers but the central idea your paper must examine is what draws modern day filmmakers and audiences to the medieval world (with a focus on film) and WHY (don’t just say to entertain or make money; truly try to examine and analyze this draw). To help with this prompt, make sure to read the provided articles on medievalism. You can discuss one or multiple aspects that draw people to medieval-like films but you must discuss at least one specific theory as drawn from the assigned readings. Make sure to use essay format, with a thesis, a body of evidence drawn from the movies as well as your textbooks and articles, and a conclusion.

To achieve full points your paper must include:

One-inch margins, 12 font, a cover page, double spaced, and page numbers located in the upper right corner
FOUR to SIX pages (a FULL four pages, not 3 ½) – the six pages are not a limit, merely a suggestion
Be thesis driven
At least TWO outside academic works (books or journal articles that are academic in nature)
At least FOUR works assigned in class, either the books or articles assigned
A bibliography. Make sure you include the films in the bibliography
Use footnotes, NOT endnotes.
I would like the bibliography and Citations to be in Chicago style- use the following link to help with Chicago: (Links to an external site.). Use footnotes, not endnotes.

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Labor History in America

Great Depression and New Deal

Read and listen: Dubofsky and Dulles, chapters 13-16 and 17 (pp. 286-292);

Dorothea Lange’s “Migrant Mother” Photographs in the Farm Security Administration Collection, Library of Congress,

“Protecting Workers by Supporting Unions: National Labor Relations Act, 1935, Wagner Act,” in Mario R. DiNunzio, Documents Decoded: The Great Depression and New Deal, pp. 191-196,

Read at least 3 life histories of Americans during the Great Depression, in “American Life Histories: Manuscripts from the Federal Writer’s Project, 1936-1939,”

FDR speech on the eve of the 1936 election, 31 October 1936, at Madison Square Garden:

1936 presidential election map by county:
Write: How did the Second New Deal and the CIO address workers needs in the mid-1930s and what were the political outcomes of this alliance between the Democratic Party and the industrial union movement?

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Patient Safety in Healthcare Setting

The paper subheadings are as the following:
– The importance of patient safety
Outline the emergence of patient safety as a discipline and the significant achievements achieved during the last two decades.
– Patient safety terminology
Provide definitions of key terms commonly used in patient safety. This includes types of incidents in healthcare.
– Definition of secondary care
Provide a definition of secondary care and discuss the difference between levels of harm and types of incidents commonly found in secondary care.
– Organisation of the healthcare system in Ireland
Include a short description of the health systems’ structures, organization and financing.

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Systems Engineering and Systems Thinking Coursework Assignment

Produce an individual report (no more than approximately 2,750 words) highlighting key
aspects of each task undertaken in the design portfolio, and in particular the processes you
followed, parts of the process that were confusing and/or you (or your group) had to rework,
the key lessons learned during the module and, from your perspective, the key benefits of
systems engineering analysis.

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