Principles of green chemistry

Principles of green chemistry

This week’s discussion will focus on the principles of green chemistry.

In the pharmaceutical and material industry, there is often a multi step process to synthesize a product to be sold. Depending on how many steps there are and how efficient each step is will determine what kind of overall yield the process has. In efforts to improve efficiency and reduce waste, often companies will work on “greening” their processes.

For the discussion, research and read about Green Chemistry principles and discuss some real world examples. Read about the 12 principles of green chemistry from this website.

Initial Post:

For your initial post, pick one of the 12 principles of green chemistry. Put it in your subject heading. Try to pick a different principle than most other students. If all the principles are chosen, you may repeat one, but try to focus your post in a new direction.

Explain the principle in detail. How does it apply to the material we have covered so far in this course? (Hint: some principles may be better applied to the lab portion of the course.) Give at least one specific example of how this principle is used in industry. How does the principle you chose affect the percent yield of the reaction (generally)? Explain.

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Systems Engineering and Systems Thinking Coursework Assignment

Produce an individual report (no more than approximately 2,750 words) highlighting key
aspects of each task undertaken in the design portfolio, and in particular the processes you
followed, parts of the process that were confusing and/or you (or your group) had to rework,
the key lessons learned during the module and, from your perspective, the key benefits of
systems engineering analysis.

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Developing Lean Manufacturing Process Improvement

Consider the following phases of solving a real world problem:
Identify the problem
Define the problem
Develop possible solutions
Evaluate the possible solutions and choose
Plan and implement the solution
Monitor situation and follow-up with corrective actions
The Project will focus on the Problem Definition and will
Consist of a research paper using solid research and analysis techniques
Use at least three academic references for a real world project
Academic references are journal articles from academic journals or books written by academic authors
Other references can be used as well, including magazine articles, websites, newspaper articles, etc.
Be formatted according to APA guidelines
Have a topic that is within the field of Engineering Management
You should focus on a specific, practical issue (from work, global, etc.) affecting an individual or group
The primary emphasis of the paper is to define the problem and then discuss how it might be solved
NOTE: It is not necessary to solve the problem, just discuss how
A Real World problem:
Before you can solve the problem, you must first define it. This consists of steps 1 and 2 from above. These will include:
The problem definition needs to
Provide background of the situation
What has been happening
What are some symptoms or how has this problem come to your attention
Provide a statement of the problem gap
Current situation or status
Desired situation, or goal state
Provide evidence and data about the current situation
Be clear about how the achievement of the goal will be determined
The paper should also discuss steps 3 – 6, based on knowledge from Engineering Management:
You should recommend how you will generate solutions and evaluate them
How you will plan and implement the solution
How you will follow-up and make corrective action
You do not need to do steps 3 – 6, just make recommendations for how they will be done.
The basic outline of the paper should be:
Introduction: A few introductory sentences providing a brief outline of the overall paper.
Background: What is the situation and how the opportunity was identified.
Problem Statement: Discuss the problem based on the descriiptions provided above.
Recommendations: How you will proceed to the final step.
References: You must cite each references in the text of your paper using APA format

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Construction Project Risk Management

The aim of this coursework is to enable students to understand construction project risk
management system, to apply learned knowledge of risk analysis techniques and methods to
analyze risks and to encourage students to give their opinions.
You are not allowed to select the Swansea Tidal Lagoon as your topic area as this has been
presented with detailed research in the workshop.
• To describe the importance of construction project risk management.
• To select a construction project/sub-project;
• To collect risk information and data;
• To identify hazards (or risks) and uncertainties by appropriate technology, e.g.
brainstorming/checklist etc.
• To analyze risks of a project/sub-project and pay attention to appropriate technology,
e.g. risk matrix/cash flow/FTA/ETA etc;
• To analyze outputs and give suggestions of risk reduction.
• To write a formal report fully describing the project and risk management and the
improvement recommended.

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Quality Models: Lean, Six Sigma, Lean Six Sgma, 5S Methodology

You are a member of an operating room team. The hospital is reporting an increase in complication rates from your team. Choose one of the quality models and explain how you would use it to address the causes or the adverse events.

You are the nurse leader on an obstetrics unit. You have been tasked to utilize a Six Sigma approach for standardizing the discharge process. Where do you

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Compare and contrast propeller-driven performance to jet-driven performance in an aircraft

The goal of participating in the class discussions is to learn from the collective knowledge and skills of your peers and instructor.

Answer and discuss the questions listed below. Be sure to read the responses from your classmates.

Your interaction contributes to your participation grade.
Compare and contrast propeller-driven performance to jet-driven performance in an aircraft.

If you were designing an aircraft, what would be the reasons for choosing the power plant type?

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Propeller Aircraft Performance

The goal of participating in the class discussions is to learn from the collective knowledge and skills of your peers and instructor.

Answer and discuss the questions listed below. Be sure to read the responses from your classmates.

Your interaction contributes to your participation grade.
Compare and contrast propeller-driven performance to jet-driven performance in an aircraft.

If you were designing an aircraft, what would be the reasons for choosing the power plant type?

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Record setting events between the golden age and a later period

In this golden era there were many records set for distance, speed, and altitude; there have been multiple records set in various new aircraft in the same categories since that time.
For this activity, explore a selection of record-setting events between the golden age and a later period of your choice. Use information from a credible source and use your new knowledge gained from your course textbook readings to compare and contrast your selection of record setting events for the Golden Age and the chosen period.
Using one of the news websites ( from the provided list, search for a current news story/event that demonstrates a chosen area of aviation over time for this assignment. Your current news selection must be within the last 180 days. Examine the news story or event, reflect, and consider all aspects and viewpoints the author provides.

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Building Information Modelling (BIM) in Construction Safety

Synthesise a case study from a journal article focused on a contemporary construction issue.
Students are expected to use the Assessment 2 Template (below) to create and format their report. Students are encouraged to add to their assessment by finding other related information – peer-reviewed – that augments and extends the case study’s thinking.
Students are encouraged to rewrite their first draft of their case study to correct errors such as grammatical mistakes, word choices, awkward flow, tautology, split infinitives, and run-on sentences. This will be marked in accordance with the grading matrix. It is best if students adhere to all ”High Distinction” column attributes and eliminate all in the ”Unsatisfactory” column. See the grading matrix in the Learning Guide. Use Studiosity to its fullest extent. Students are asked to remove their name (keep student number) from their assessment so that marking bias, real or perceived, is minimised or eliminated.

Instruction: Make the assigned case study relevant to the Construction Industry by utilising other sources such as industry articles, association papers, news reports and subject content.

The case study is the basis for your report but is not the sole focus.

Students are encouraged and expected to add to their analysis by finding related information that augments and extends the case study’s thinking to make it relevant and valuable for the industry.

Length: Between 2,000 to 3,000 words.


  • No cover page.
  • Font type is 12-point Garamond.
  • Margins are justified text (even margins as formatted on this page).
  • Graphs, charts, tables, and other illustrations must be “standalone” – large enough to read the detail (10 point font suggested), the source noted, and labelled correctly (identified with caption).
  • References and in-text citations must be in Harvard WSU format.
  • No student name, only student number.
  • Use section headers (see below) to delineate the sections.
  • Use active voice as you would in industry

Process: These papers will be marked per the grading matrix in the learning guide. Students are encouraged to rewrite their case study’s first draft to correct grammatical mistakes, word choices, awkward flow, tautology, split infinitives, and run-on sentences. It is best if students adhere to all “High Distinction” column attributes and eliminate all in the “Unsatisfactory” column. Again, see the grading matrix in the Learning Guide. Use Studiosity to its fullest extent. Students are asked to remove their name (keep student number) from their assessment so that marking bias, real or perceived, is minimised or eliminated. Submit through Turnitin.

Note: Turnitin’s percentage similarity and highlight report will not be viewable to students.

Writing your paper: The report analyses a contemporary construction industry issue based on a case study assigned to you. Answering the following questions – suggested and not required – about the case study by synthesising the given case study with the help of related information found in industry articles, association papers, news reports and subject content that you find credible.

Executive Summary (suggested but not limited to 150 words)

What are the issues, and what was concluded

Introduction (suggested but not limited to 250 words)

What is the contemporary construction issue(s) being investigated?

Why is this topic critical and being explored and examined?

Background (suggested but not limited to 500 words)

What do industry, government, associations, companies or construction professionals (use their publications) say about the importance of this issue?

If solved, what is its impact on the industry, organisations, professionals and end-users?

What are the general methodologies chosen in research to investigate the issue?

Discussion (suggested but not limited to 500 words)

What are the general conclusions of the research and industry (such as think tanks, associations and construction firms) analysis on this topic?

Based on research and industry analysis by others, what are the possible solutions for eliminating or minimising the issue encountered?

Conclusions (suggested but not limited to 500 words)

Among those possible solutions, what is the optimum solution? Why is this the best answer in your and others’ opinion?

Will this area grow or shrink in its significance in Modern Construction Projects designed or constructed ten years from now? Why, in your and others’ opinion?

What new product or service may emerge from this research?

Why in your and others’ (such as think tanks, associations and construction firms) optimum?

Limitations of Report -Future Research Topics (suggested but not limited to 100 words)

What were some weaknesses of this report,  topic areas not explored, and others that should be in the future?


Include the Case Study Journal Article assigned to you and other reference material you utilised

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