Types of Educational Assessment Tools

Prior to beginning work on this discussion,
• Read Chapter 1.1: The Purposes of Educational Assessments
• Read Chapter 5: Placement, Diagnostic, and Formative Assessment
• Read Chapter 6: Summative Assessment
• Choose one of the following videos to watch:
o Keeping It Relevant and “Authentic” (Links to an external site.)
o Exit tickets: Checking for understanding (Links to an external site.)
Consider how the teacher in the video you selected was assessing for learning. Make any connections with your own professional or educational experiences.
Write (Post Initial Response by Thursday, Day 3)
Complete the following:
• Answer the following questions using evidence from your course readings, based on the video you selected above:
o What evidence did you see and hear regarding formative assessments being an assessment for learning? More specifically, how did the teacher in your selected video assess during learning and how does it connect with your course readings? Make reference to your course readings to support your response.
o How did the teacher in your selected video able to determine the current progress of his or her learners in relation to mastering the objective? Provide specifics from the video and reference your course readings.
o How is the use of formative assessments helping to prepare learners for the summative assessment? Make reference to your course readings to support your response.
• Select one the following digital tools that can be used in an educational setting to assess learners:
o Kahoot (Links to an external site.)
o Go Formative (Links to an external site.)
o FlipGrid (Links to an external site.)
o Padlet (Links to an external site.)
• Provide a description of the tool you selected and how it could be used to assess your learners.
• Develop a specific example of how you might use it when instructing, and identify if it would be considered diagnostic, formative, or summative. Explain your reasoning with evidence from your readings.
• Discuss whether assessing learners through digital means makes assessing learners more efficient for educators. Why or why not? Provide evidence from your course readings to support your response.

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Offshore oil drilling

You will write an 8-page, double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font, with 1-inch
margins, a policy brief on a current environmental issue. Please provide a cover page, which is not page 1 of the 8-page brief, and include page numbers.
You should have a minimum of 10 original sources cited in the text, as well as in the bibliography.
Wikipedia is not a source.
Citations: in the text, you choose the style.
provide history/background to the issue.
Discuss the various stakeholders that have been working on the issue THIS MEANS NAMING THEM – name and identify the actual companies ex: Exxon
Mobil, Be sure to include all of the angles and viewpoints of those stakeholders. (what do the environmentalists say, what do the cornucopians say about this
specific issue)
Note key already-established policies that are being used to address the problem, if applicable, as well as
being sure to highlight any new policy suggestions being made by any/all of the stakeholders.
After setting up the issue that you are investigating, and after providing thorough analysis of the politics, policies, and practicable approaches being used
and/or suggested to address the issue, please provide your assessment of what the “best” policy approach
would be to rectify the environmental challenge. It is your discretion to determine what “best” means. Essentially, you should explain why your approach is
superior to other approaches that are being considered/used. This is not solely an opinion piece. Use
evidence (e.g. science, economics) to support your decision. Also, keep in mind that policy is an ongoing process, meaning that you may suggest immediate
actions to take and you may also suggest what might need to be further investigated/considered. You
can have an action plan, so to speak, set to a timeline, if you’d like to do so.
Do NOT forget to include some possible ways to evaluate the progress of your policy approach.
An example of a paper outline might look like: (professor said to literally copy/paste this outline)
I. Environmental Issue
A. Define
B. History/Background
II. Stakeholder Groups
A. Environmentalists
B. Cornucopians
C. Other
III. Policy Approaches and Analysis
A. Current
B. Suggested/Alternatives
C. Your “Best” Approach
IV. Conclusion
Possible Issues to Research: you can choose a local, regional, national, or international
issue. Choose something that is of interest to you, and not necessarily something that is
easy to find lots of information on when writing a paper. Sometimes distilling a huge
quantity of information can prove to be very challenging when writing a focused research
paper. Examples: fracking, wind energy, nuclear waste, watershed management, coal-
fired electricity, mining, desertification, agricultural impacts on water quality, climate
change, recreation on public lands, urban growth, palm oil, cash crops, maquiladores,
international peace parks, and public transportation.
I chose offshore oil drilling but if there is another topic you’d enjoy researching more let me know i’m open to changing it.
Our textbook is The Environmental Case by layzer there is a free pdf online – Ch 11 is a case study on offshore oil drilling. Let me know if you have any
questions or need any more info

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Malcom X Reflective Report

Students are expected to produce at least two full, double-spaced pages of thoughtful writing based on the weekly readings, optional videos, and/or class discussions. Reflections are due in Dropbox on Fridays as outlined in the syllabus.
This is not just a summary. One goal of this assignment is to have students practice identifying the argument in an essay and analyzing the evidence used to support the claim. Your short essay should demonstrate your understanding of the reading and present your thoughts, feelings, and/or questions about the content. You should reflect on how the readings and discussions help to frame your understanding of history and contemporary society. For example: What is particularly important, startling, or interesting?
•You may also ask questions in these assignments. For example: What issues do the readings or discussions bring up that you wish to further explore? Feel free to use personal pronouns in this assignment.
•History majors are strongly encouraged to incorporate at least one of the five MajorField Test concepts in their essays. These concepts are required material for Final Examsubmissions by History majors.
Watch your length. Assignments that are not two full pages will not receive full credit. If you write only half a page, at best, you can get only half of the 100 possible points. Do not use a font larger than Times New Roman (or Garamond), 12 pt.
You don’t need a formal heading (name, date, class, etc.). The only exception for this is a paper that exceeds the two-page minimum requirement. You may include a title, if you wish. However, the title should not be in a font larger than Times New Roman (or Garamond), 12 pt.
•Again, if your essay is not two full pages long, it will receive deductions based on its overall length.
Proofread your work. Essays that contain proper nouns without capitalization, sentence fragments, run-on sentences, and other such errors will not be eligible for a score over 89. If you are not familiar with these common writing errors, please research them and/or consult with me prior to submitting your first essay.

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Quantitative Data Analysis

In this activity, you should be able to:
Gain confidence with basic statistics.
Analyze a small data set using statistics appropriate for the type of data.
Recode data.
Calculate descriptive statistics including frequency, mean, median, and mode.
Interpret data.
In the end, you should realize that the most important part of statistics is explaining what calculations mean. This begins will accurately collecting data and analyzing your data to summarize what the data shows.
While stats can be a little out of our comfort zone, don’t skim over this exercise. In social work, it is very common for administrators, program funders, or evaluators to ask you for numerical information about clients. When that happens, you won’t need to worry. You will be able to run those numbers!
While you may feel that simple calculations could be done without a spreadsheet, it will save you time to work with technology, especially when you have a large data set. You will also be less likely to make errors if you learn to use the data analysis tools provided in Excel.
If is recommended that you open Excel with the sample data set and follow the presentation on your computer. You should pause the presentation and try out each step. The only way to learn this is to practice.
First, open Excel and check to make sure data analysis is not already turned on. Click on the menu bar titled Data. Do you see an analysis option at the end of
the menu? If you do, it’s turned on. If not, let’s turn it on.
Follow these steps.
Step 1: Click the File menu in the top right of the Excel page. A menu will dropdown.
Step 2: Click on Options.
Step 3: In the Options menu, click on Add-Ins. This area allows you to view and manage add-ins for your version of Excel.
Step 4: Click Go at the bottom of the sheet. Do not click OK at the bottom of the page. Click on the check box next to Analysis ToolPak. Then click OK to the right of this selection. You must click on OK before exiting this page otherwise the ToolPak is not turned on.
You may be asked if you would like to install now; if so, click yes.
You should see the analysis option in the data menu. Now we’re ready to explore some data!

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Effective Study Strategies for Students

Watch the videos, from Cornell University, about “Effective Study Strategies”:
Effective Study Strategies – Learning Strategies Center (cornell.edu)
Write a brief summary of what you learned after watching this video. https://lsc.cornell.edu/how-to-study/studying-for-and-taking-exams/effective-studystrategies/

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Eight Principles of Deep Ecology

Do you agree with them all? Are there any that you disagree with?

Discuss the selected question in reference to UNSDG # 15…
Introductions, conclusions, and works cited are needed.

Argumentative essay

MLA sty;e

6 pages

5 sources

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Law and Ethics in News Media

Assignment Guidelines:
1. Identify a current, specific news media topic that you feel addresses an ethical issue.
a. This must be an example of a news media topic specifically, not entertainment.
b. It must be timely—must have relevant content in current (and reputable) media outlets within the past year.
c. Categories include but are not limited to: social/civil rights issues, candidates’ or political parties’ advocacy for or against
certain legislation, commercial business practices, advertising/public relations communications, financial institutions’
practices and/or regulations (Note: these are just category examples; you must identify a specific news topic within one of
these or another category, not just the broad category itself.)
2. Identify 5 articles or broadcasts from 5 different, reputable, media outlets—1 per outlet—that addresses your topic specifically.
a. ALL MEDIA CONTENT EXAMPLES MUST BE WITHIN THE PAST YEAR. Nothing before December 2018 is viable for this
c. Two of these articles/broadcasts must advocate for your personal ethical stance on the topic.
d. Two of these articles/broadcasts must advocate against your personal ethical stance on the topic.
e. One of these articles/broadcasts must present a neutral/un-bias presentation of the topic.
f. Your examples may be all broadcast (TV/radio), all print (hard copy/digital) or a combination, as long as they are from 5
different outlets, two of them support your position, 2 of them oppose your position, and 1 of them is neutral.
3. Using the elements of Media Literacy we have discussed at length in lecture and in your text, analyze each news media example’s
content, presentation of information, arguments and support. Compare and contrast these 5 articles/broadcasts.
a. How do they present the topic and any ethical arguments associated with it?
b. How do the presentations of the topic differ from one outlet to the next? How are they similar?
c. What motivations may each outlet have to present the topic from one ethical perspective versus another?
d. Does their presentation of the topic support or contradict your own ethical perspective on the topic? Why/why not?
e. In your opinion, are they presenting the topic in an ethical or unethical way? Some things to consider:
i. Do they appear to use language to argue their perspective, regardless of how factual the language may be?
ii. Can you identify bias or rhetoric that disguises facts or misconstrues some information?
iii. Do they attempt distract the consumer by redirecting them to another controversial or ethically-related topic?
iv. Maybe it appears as if they are withholding vital details you have seen in other articles that could sway the
consumer’s understanding of the topic.
v. Do you feel they are accurately representing the topic in a fair and balanced manner so the reader is educated on
the matter in an un-bias way?
4. Identify any laws or regulations associated with your topic specifically. Do any of the articles include these as part of their
justification for or against certain ethical arguments on the topic

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Do animals have moral rights and should they have legal rights?

According to Peter Singer and Roger Scruton.

Outline the main arguments and thought experiments, then compare and contrast the arguments and
standpoints of the authors.
Introduction, conclusion, and word cited needed

Argumentative essay.

5 pages

3 sources

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Internship essay experience

The following format should be utilized in the preparation of your final report. It must be typewritten
in essay format. In addition to the cover page, the content of the report should be at least full 3 pages
with at least 1200 words). Deductions will be taken for spelling and other grammar errors. No late
submissions will be accepted or graded.
I. Cover Page (1 page)
• Student’s name
• Agency and address
• Field supervisor’s name & title/role with the agency
• Dates of Field Services from start to finish
• Semester and course in which the student is enrolled
II. Report Content (minimum 3 full pages, double-spaced, Times New Roman 12-point,
1-inch margins on all sides)
A. Introduction
1. Description of the agency and its service area and population
2. The role of Health Education within the agency
B. A brief description/summary of:
1. Major responsibilities
2. Highlight major activities
• Include a sample of work as discussed in the midterm (last class) meeting
3. Your field experience and its relevance to your career
4. Your opinion of adequate working space and/or equipment to complete your
5. Your opinion of your level of supervision (adequate, lacking, areas for potential
improvement, etc.)
6. Your thoughts about your academic work at the University of Houston
(Were you adequately for your field experience? If so, provide detail. If
not, what were your weaknesses? Provide suggestions for improvements.)
7. Rate your experience on a scale from 0 (extremely dissatisfied) to 10 (phenomenal
experience) and provide a rationale for the selected rating
8. Suggestions for future field placements
9. Recommendations of this agency for future placements
C. Final summary statement
1. Do you feel your experience was helpful to your professional and/or
personal growth and development?
2. Did you learn new information or skills (or improve upon existing
3. Provide any additional, relevant summative information or details about the

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