There is a crisis in opioid overdose.
500-600 word paper in which you discuss how to implement opioid overdose prevention program in a community.
There is a crisis in opioid overdose.
500-600 word paper in which you discuss how to implement opioid overdose prevention program in a community.
Required Uniform Assignment: Health Promotion Paper Guidelines
This assignment allows the learner to apply knowledge gained about health promotion concepts and strategies,
enhance written communication skills, and demonstrate a beginning understanding of cultural competency.
Course outcomes: This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:
1. Discuss the professional nurse’s role in health promotion activities. (PO 1 and 2)
3. Discuss health promotion, illness prevention, health maintenance, health restoration, and rehabilitation in
relation to the nurse’s role in working with various populations. (PO 1, 2, and 8)
7. Identify health promotion strategies throughout the life span. (PO 1, 2, and 4)
Total points possible: 100 points
Preparing the assignment
Follow these guidelines when completing this assignment. Speak with your faculty member if you have questions.
1) Identify a health problem or need for health promotion for a particular stage in the life span of a population
from a specific culture in your area.
2) Choose one of the Leading Health Indicators (LHI) priorities from Healthy People 2020:
3) Research a topic related to health and wellness associated with one of the Healthy People 2020 topic areas.
4) Submit your topic to the instructor for approval at least 2 weeks prior to the final assignment due date, but
earlier if desired. All topics must be approved.
5) You will develop an educational health promotion project addressing the population/culture in your area.
6) Use TurnItIn in time to make any edits that might be necessary based on the Similarity Index prior to submitting
your paper to your faculty. Consult with your faculty about the acceptable Similarity Index for this paper.
7) For writing assistance (APA, formatting, or grammar) visit the Citation and Writing Assistance: Writing Papers at
CU page in the online library.
8) Include the following sections (detailed criteria listed below and in the Grading Rubric).
a. Introduction and Conclusion- 15 points/15%
• Introduction establishes the purpose of the paper and describes why topic is important to health promotion
in the target population in your area.
• Introduction stimulates the reader’s interest.
• Conclusion includes the main ideas from the body of the paper.
• Conclusion includes the major support points from the body of the paper.
b. Relate Topic to Target Population- 25 points/25%
• Describes the topic and target cultural population.
• Includes statistics to support significance of the topic.
• Explains how the project relates to the selected Healthy People 2020 topic area.
• Applies health promotion concepts.
c. Summary of Articles- 25 points/25%
• A minimum of three (3) scholarly articles, from the last 5 years, are used as sources.
• Articles meet criteria of being from scholarly journals and include health promotion and wellness content.
• At least one article is related to the chosen cultural group.
• Summaries all key points and findings from the articles.
• Includes statistics to support significance of the topic.
• Discusses how information from the articles is used in the Health Promotion Project, including specific
d. Health Promotion Discussion – 25 points/25%
• Describes approaches to educate the target population about the topic.
• The approaches are appropriate for the cultural target population.
• Identifies specific ways to promote lifestyle changes within the target population.
• Applies health promotion strategies.
e. APA Style and Organization – 10 points/10%
• TurnItIn is used prior to submitting paper for grading.
• Revisions are made based on TurnItIn originality report.
• References are submitted with assignment.
• Uses appropriate APA format (6th ed.) and is free of errors.
• Grammar and mechanics are free of errors.
• Paper is 3-4 pages, excluding title and reference pages.
• Information is organized around required components and flows in a logical sequence.
Case Study Vignette
J.S. is a 54-year-old Hispanic woman who presents to her primary-care clinician for follow-up regarding elevated blood pressure. She was last seen 2 weeks prior with a blood pressure of 162/94 mmHg. She has no significant medical history, she is a 1 ppd tobacco user with a history of 25 pack-years, and she has a family history of premature cardiac death.
Her vital signs are as follows: height, 5 ft 4 in.; weight, 188 lb.; pulse, 84 beats/min; blood pressure, 168/98 mmHg; and body mass index, 32.3. As J.S. has been found to be hypertensive (>149/90) on two consecutive office visits, starting an antihypertensive medication is indicated.
What is your initial choice for an antihypertensive medication in this patient? (Support your treatment plan with a discussion of the evidence based guideline you utilized)
Which therapeutic lifestyle change is a priority in helping J.S. achieve blood pressure control?
Which of the following diagnostic tests would you order for J.S. to establish a baseline before starting an anti-hypertensive?
Community Assessment: Healthy People 2020
Healthy People 2020 Presentation Begin by viewing the following links which explain the basics of HP2020: Select a Leading Health Indicator TOPIC area related to one of the weekly topics(violence and abuse; substance use; underserved populations).
Use the following link to see a list: Create a presentation for your peers that familiarizes them with these topics.
• Succinctly summarize the “Overview and Impact” information r/t the topic. This includes any information about the importance of monitoring this topic.
• List the specific health indicators under the topic. For example, see (there are 1 to 4 per topic area).
• Succinctly summarize overall progress made toward meeting objectives and compare progress to IL, if those data are available.
• Describe appropriate nursing interventions/best practices relevant to the topic and its associated indicators. (Best practices are based on best evidence, so use Systematic Reviews and/or Guidelines as sources when they are available (for example, look under the “Tools and Resource” tab first).
• Note that your presentation can be rendered as a ppt presentation or poster or some other creative way. But you will need to provide a short doc as a “handout” that highlights the information you have provided for your classmates.
Papers on the different imaging modalities MRI, NUCLEAR MEDICINE, & ULTRASOUND), are
required for graduation. For the writing thereof you may select any sources you wish: textbooks,
published articles, or journals from print, or accessed online. All sources must be identified, and
properly referenced by footnotes and credit given in the bibliography. For online sources it is
required that the dates of site access be indicated in the bibliography. For text sources exact
page numbers must be indicated in the bibliography. Any exact quotes from articles must be in
quotations and properly referenced to the bibliographic source.
The paper should be 5 to a maximum of 8 pages plus the bibliography, and will be due no later than 2 weeks following the completion of your rotation in the modality. Papers are to be typed
double spaced in 12 point font.
Each paper should have:
5 points—-An introduction asserting the subject you are about to address
25 points—A description of the imaging modality inclusive of: the equipment involved,
pharmaceutical agents used, preparations for studies, specificity and sensitivity for certain
diseases, and the advantages of the modality as compared to others.
15 points— Advancements in the modality since it came into use.
10 points— A conclusion
15 points— All sources used for the paper are properly cited, as in footnoted.
20 points— A summary statement of your observations while rotating in the modality, what you
learned about it, and the implications as regards your work as a future radiologic technologist.
10 points— A bibliography citing all references used in writing the paper.
All papers will be graded on completeness, inclusion of all aspects noted above, and overall
organization and presentation of the paper. The papers will each be counted as a written exam of
100 points. Any papers receiving a grade of less than 75 will be returned for re-writing.
Preventing Heart Disease in Elderly
1 •Abstract ( Details)
-it appears in 2 page, length: 150-250 words, 1 paragraph; not indented, summary of all your
paper!, keywords: entered immediately below the abstract text; 5 keywords.
– structure of the abstract: Background on the problem, purpose/objective of the study, method,
interpretation of results and conclusions and recommendations for future research.
4•Limitations & Implications
5• Conclusion
Describe the ethical dilemma faced by the participants. As you explain the ethical issues provide
possible resolutions and your opinion on the scenario.
Make sure you apply the ethical decision making principles, process or theories discussed in this course so far.You are required to use at
least your textbook as source material for your response.
All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying
Choose one mental model from Peter Senge and write about how it could be applied to an
opportunity in your organization(independence blue cross).
Why did you choose this model and how would your organization benefit from the application?
Your paper should be 3 pages in length (exclusive of Title, Abstract, Reference pages) and must follow APA style/format.
Literature review (5 pages, APA style, 10 scholarly sources from medical journals)
After watching the videos entitled “Cost of Dying” and “Shortcomings of the Medical Model” and reading the consumer reports article on aggressive medical care and the overtreatment in the US article, please write a 4-7 page paper using the following directions.
Many people believe that more is better and that this extends to health care. There are many pieces of evidence presented in the videos and articles that address this issue. Please consider this perspective in the light of the evidence presented. In your consideration, be sure to include evidence (such as does it lead to better quality of life? longer life? how do most people wish to die?). Using the evidence presented, present a thoughtful argument for or against aggressive health care. Your paper should include an introduction and conclusion. In your paper, make sure to address the following topics.
The following resources are the same resources that are found on blackboard. They are listed here as a backup.
Video Links:
Research articles:
Click link to open resource.
Click link to open resource.
The last chapter in your text book might also be a good resource, especially to discuss hospice and other end of life options.