Safety, Quality, and Informatics Instructions

Safety, Quality, and Informatics Instructions

8-10 pages

5 references

Identify a major patient-safety issue within your organization (falls in a nursing home) and use

evidence-based best practices and technology to develop a plan to improve the safety issue.

Use sub headings for all of the following:

1.Describe a patient safety issue and explore likely causes of the issue while evaluating currently used organizational processes for handling patient safety issues in terms of the evidence-based concepts, principals, and practices that contribute to quality improvement and patient safety.

  1. Analyze the legal and ethical consequences of not addressing patient-safety issues and describe the impact on the organization from a financial and regulatory perspective.
  2. Evaluates evidence-based interventions, including technology, to address specific patient-safety issue

to determine the most appropriate intervention for the organization and the safety issue.

  1. Analyze the most effective strategies to overcome specific organizational barriers to change.


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Health Promotion and Disease Prevention

Health Promotion and Disease Prevention


I need this all to flow as one paper. The pamphlet should be followed by the title page and so on for Part 2. I cannot submit this a 2 separate  parts.

Create an educational piece of literature (a pamphlet) that incorporates best practices in health promotion and disease prevention for a diverse population. Then explain how you developed your educational program (a pamphlet) and address any barriers to disease prevention and health promotion for the population.

Part 1 (pamphlet)

  1. Review the literature or use a health assessment to determine the health care needs of a diverse population in your community.
  2. Explore things that could influence success, such as cultural attitudes toward alternative forms of healing, religious beliefs, or other individuals
  3. Examine the impact of current health promotion and wellness initiatives or health outcomes and health disparities.
  4. Review the literature to identify best practices

Once you have identified a diverse population develop a pamphlet that promotes wellness and disease prevention. Be deliberate in the points you highlight. Be sure that your choice is appropriate for the population.

Part 2

Explain how you developed your piece of literature and address any barriers to disease prevention and health promotion for the population.

3 current professional references


Please answer all parts of the following 4:

  1. Develop a detailed piece of literature (pamphlet) to address the primary health concerns of a diverse population. Why did you choose the particular educational strategy, why is it an effective strategy for the population?
  2. Analyze how a specific educational approach to a health concern can overcome barriers to health promotion and disease prevention for a diverse population and considers the consequences of not overcoming barriers. This might include things such as CAM, language, religious beliefs, and so on.
  3. Analyze barriers to health promotion and disease prevention for a diverse population. Explain how your educational strategy can help overcome some of the barriers you described.
  4. Uses valid, scholarly research resources relevant to the field of nursing to support information presented and establishes the credibility of the research.



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Health Promotion and Disease Prevention

In your paper, include:

Healthcare Needs of American Indians

Factors that Influence Success in Health Care of the American Indians.

Impact of the Current Health Promotions and Wellness Initiatives.

Best Practices for the American Indian Population

Primary Healthcare Concerns of the Population

Impact of the Current Health Promotion and Wellness

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Health Assessment Paper

Health assessment


7-8 page

Conduct a health assessment of a population of your choice. Explain the process and summarize the results. This assessment is the first piece in the professional development portfolio you submit in assessment 5.

3 current professional references


Please answer all parts of the following 4:

  1. Analyze the key elements that make up a health assessment at the community, group, and individual levels.
  2. Explain the process involved in conducting a comprehensive health assessment and outlines best-practice strategies for obtaining critical information.
  3. Summarizes the findings of a health assessment for a specific population and explains how the findings are supported by the literature.
  4. Uses valid, scholarly research resources relevant to the field of nursing to support information presented and establishes the credibility of the research.

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Generational Diversity in the Workplace

Generational Diversity


7-8 page Report

Address the challenges of working effectively within multigenerational team environment and provide evidence-based strategies for improving the work environment to support all generations

3 current professional references


Please answer all parts of the following 5:

  1. Compare the characteristics of the generational groups working in nursing to highlight relevant differences
  2. Identifies specific skills members of each generational group bring to nursing teams and explains the value of the skills to team members and patients
  3. Analyzes types and causes of conflicts that are likely to occur among multigenerational members of nursing team
  4. Analyzes strategies for building cohesiveness within multigenerational teams
  5. Examines the benefits and potential limitations of a multigenerational nursing team for the organization, the team members, and the patients



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Use of Technology to Support Teamwork


Role of virtual modalities in promoting interprofessional collaboration

Role of virtual modalities in promoting improved patient safety.

Using technologies to build teamwork and interprofessional collaboration

Improving patient safety using current and emerging technologies

Benefits and limitations of employing technology in interprofessional collaborations

Legal and ethical implications of using social media in interprofessional collaborations.


  • Each paper should be started on a new page, be single-spaced, and be at least 500 words.
  • At the top of each paper, restate the question/prompt, then provide your answer.
  • Proofread your papers carefully. Pay attention to organization and provide headings where appropriate.  Use paragraphs and commas.
  • You will be graded 50% on the quality of your answers, and 50% on how your answer is presented in terms of organization, conciseness, grammar, spelling, etc.
  • It should go without saying that your papers should be exclusively your own work – do not paraphrase videos/articles too closely. Use your own words.
  • You may use quotes from videos/articles, but be sure to use quotation marks and provide attribution. g. “Today, America’s capital markets are the envy of the world.” (The Numbers Game, pg. 2)

Paper assignments:

In a one-page, single-spaced paper:

  1. Discuss the culture at AIG, and how it compares to the culture that you learned about at Enron.
  2. Discuss how AIG’s move into originating and selling Credit Default Swaps led to their eventual financial troubles.
  3. Thinking back on other people we have studied, who does Hank Greenberg remind you of, and why?



  1. Read the article, “All I Want In Life is an Unfair Advantage”,from Fortune magazine on August 8, 2005, which you can find at:


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Letter of Recommmendation. Letter of Admission. for Medical School

I am applying to join a medical school.


A letter of recommendation. I have attached a file in which you can extract the most important information required. If you need additional information, I will provide.

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Hospital Administration /Health Care Facility Adminitration


Answer the following questions with 250 words each with in text citation

  1. The administrator of a small, acute-care hospital is faced with his first managed care contract. He meets with representatives from the prepaid plan to discuss the amount to be paid to the hospital. The administrator is concerned because the managed care business does not look profitable-the hospital will be reimbursed below its current reimbursement levels. In what ways might the administrator evaluate this new managed care business in terms of its economic value to his institution?
  2. Discuss the most important concept, theory, or idea that you have acquired as a result of taking this course. Explain how you plan to use this concept, theory, or ideas in the furtherance of your career as a management professional.

Answer the following questions with 200 words each

  1. Select and explain how Broward College can use one of the methodologies described in the chapter to service its students. Which one would be an ideal method?
  2. Describe the two primary diagrams most frequently used in project planning.

Answer the following questions in 400 words with in text citation

  1. Which agile methodology would you choose to build a new accounting system? Explain why.
  2. What signs help you identify that a project is experiencing issues? Explain your response

Answer the following questions in 375 words with in text citation

  1. How could more time spent in the analysis and design phase have saved Colorado taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars?
  2. Explain the value of testing and why some projects actually skip this phase.


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Affordable Care Act. How Best an Organization can Implement It?

Conduct a five part organizational analysis of a health care organization of your choosing. Provide as much detail and information as possible in a direct and concise way. The assessments in this course build upon each other. This assessment challenges you to articulate how an organization can best implement the Affordable Care Act to optimize outcomes. This paper should be 7-8 pages. Format in APA style. 2-3 sources.

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Epidemiology of a Community Health Problem

Write a formal APA paper on the epidemiology of your selected health topic.The paper should be between 3-5 pages and include a title page, an introduction and conclusion, in-text citations, and references. No abstract needed. This should be written as a scientific paper which includes 1 data table included as the body of your paper which will support your statements. This table is one you will create from a data source. Please do not cut and paste a table. Please use the following subheadings below as APA headings in the body of your paper:

Pathogenesis of the health issue or disease (using the host, agent, environment format described in Unit 3 reading will help to focus this paper)
Data display (As a table per APA format)
Review the literature about your chosen health issue, and present salient points.

Present the data related to the spread of the health issue or problem in chart, graph, or table form.

Conclusions about the impact of health issue or problem on the population are drawn from the data.

At least 3 professional references are required.

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