Communication and Careers Assignment

Communication and Careers Assignment

Step 1: Search and Select a Job Description

Search on Indeed, a company/organization website, or a similar job search site to find a job opening that interests you.
Once you have selected the job, save the job posting/description in a word document or pdf. file. Name the saved job description with the full job title or a portion of the job title and your last name (e.g. CommunicationsSpecialistFarmer).
You will upload the saved job description as part of your assignment submission.
Step 2: Match Your Skills to the Job Requirements

Create a comprehensive skills match table that matches your transferrable skills, experience, attributes, strengths to the job description (job duties). You may choose to use the example table below or create your own.
Example Table

Primary Duties

Matched transferrable skills/experience

Design and produce content for email communications

Experience with designing and composing effective communications including emails using a variety of systems (e.g. outlook)


Proficient in writing content and utilizing a variety of technology; implementation of email campaigns

Minimum Qualifications


2 years experience in communications

Worked at XYZ organization for 2 + years with primary role of admin assistant creating weekly email communications to the department



Preferred Qualifications


Demonstrated experience creating and implementing communication campaigns utilizing a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) System.


Experienced with designing and implementation of email campaigns in CRM and similar email technology

Step 3: Select Templates and Submit Cover Letter and Résumé

Referencing your skills match table:

Select a template then compose your résumé for chosen job description. Use a résumé template or create your own.

Your résumé should include key details such as your contact information, your profile (e.g. a narrative summarizing your career/employments goals, skills, aspirations, etc.), education, training, work history/experience, skills, and, you may choose to include other categories such as awards/honors, volunteer work, languages, certifications, etc. Utilize appropriate headings for qualifications, work experience, and education, etc. Reference Chapter 15 on formatting, writing techniques, and tips. Be sure to check your grammar and spelling.
Select a template then write your cover letter. Use a cover letter template or create your own.
You cover letter should include an opening statement, body of content, and a closing statement. Write out statements corresponding to the job requirements adding additional comments on how your competencies, educations, and Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities (KSAs) match up to what is indicated as requirements for the job.
Final Step Before Submission: Ask one or two people to review your Cover Letter and Résumé

Once your résumé and cover letter are fully written. Find one or two people within your network (co-worker, supervisor, classmate, student peer, a friend, or community/family member) or reach out to a career development specialist to review your cover letter and résumé. Consider contacting FRCC Career Service for resources, helpful information, and to set up an appointment with a Career Service Representative. Consider your reviewers perspective, qualifications, as well as their experience with providing advice résumé and cover letter edits and advice. Make adjustments to your cover letter and résumé based on feedback as you deem appropriate.
Ask the reviewer to evaluate your résumé and cover letter for readability, conciseness, spelling, grammar, and most importantly to provide written feedback so that you may use that to edit and improve your documents.
Write a short summary of who you selected to review your résumé and cover letter and the results of the review. Did they provide useful feedback, were correction made, etc.

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Reflective writing essay

Reflective writing essay

Reflective writing
Paper details:

This is reflective writing (1000 words) , Based on 5 weeks of learning ( each week around 250 words )
Each week there is a portfolio that needs to be completed based on the learning from that week. And based on the portfolios and the learning need reflective writing and a plan.

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Principles of green chemistry

Principles of green chemistry

This week’s discussion will focus on the principles of green chemistry.

In the pharmaceutical and material industry, there is often a multi step process to synthesize a product to be sold. Depending on how many steps there are and how efficient each step is will determine what kind of overall yield the process has. In efforts to improve efficiency and reduce waste, often companies will work on “greening” their processes.

For the discussion, research and read about Green Chemistry principles and discuss some real world examples. Read about the 12 principles of green chemistry from this website.

Initial Post:

For your initial post, pick one of the 12 principles of green chemistry. Put it in your subject heading. Try to pick a different principle than most other students. If all the principles are chosen, you may repeat one, but try to focus your post in a new direction.

Explain the principle in detail. How does it apply to the material we have covered so far in this course? (Hint: some principles may be better applied to the lab portion of the course.) Give at least one specific example of how this principle is used in industry. How does the principle you chose affect the percent yield of the reaction (generally)? Explain.

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Organizational behavior positive or negative emotional contagion

Organizational behavior positive or negative emotional contagion

Share an example of either positive or negative emotional contagion. How did it start and stop?

must be a minimum of 350-500 words and be substantiated by a minimum of 2 peer-reviewed sources. No internet search sites, blogs, or Wikis, for example, will be accepted.

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Science of Nursing Decision-Making

Science of Nursing Decision-Making

For this assessment, you will need to select a patient/ service user from a recent placement. Identify one health need experienced by the patient/service user and explore the impact this will have, using a person-centered, holistic approach. You will need to include a critique of the care given related to this need using evidence to support your views. This needs to focus on the decisions made by the care team, including any reasoning for interventions and treatment. From the evidence used, you need to offer recommendations for how this care could be enhanced or improved to ensure that the team and nurses provide a person-centered, evidence-based care approach.

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Function of the Electoral College and why the founders felt it necessary in the first place

Function of the Electoral College and why the founders felt it necessary in the first place

This assignment consists of producing an essay of at least 750 words (this is not a mandatory word count but an estimate of the minimum needed to properly complete the assignment) on the provided lesson topics, as well as a title page and works cited page with at least three sources (your textbook and two outside sources) containing information used in the essay. The assignment is to be formatted according to the American Psychological Association (APA Guide) style. You should use Arial or Times New Roman, 12-point font, double-spacing, and one-inch margins on all four sides of the paper. Papers not formatted properly or with grammatical or spelling errors will lose points. The points lost will increase with each paper. For this class, abstracts are not needed since this is a smaller writing assignment. Also for this class, do not use direct quotes when writing your paper; paraphrase and cite instead. APA Example Paper Click for more options
It is important to think critically about your chosen topic and clearly express your thoughts about it in writing. Where appropriate, make sure to include specific evidence and/or examples (along with appropriate citations). When writing your analysis, consider the eight standards for critical thinking (Paul and Elder, 2013): clarity, accuracy, precision, relevance, depth, breadth, logic, and fairness. Ask yourself questions, such as
How can I validate the accuracy of my statement?
How is this information relevant?
How does my conclusion address the complexities of the issue?
What is another interpretation or viewpoint of the issue?
Does my conclusion follow from the data and/or statements I have provided?
Is my writing detailed and demonstrates my mastery of the topic? (Don’t just give the “What” but also the “Why” and “How.”)


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Disaster management phases mitigation preparedness disaster response and recovery

Disaster management phases mitigation preparedness disaster response and recovery

Develop a disaster recovery plan to lessen health disparities and improve access to community services after a disaster.

Then develop a 10-12 slide presentation of the plan with speaker notes for the villa health system, city officials, and disaster relief team.

This is a health care question that needs a writer who is conversant with project management and disaster recovery plans. Or nenerally one who is conversant with disaster management cycle from prevention to recovery plans. Disaster recovery is the last stage of the disaster management cycle. Disaster management cycle comprises mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery. The five phases of disaster management phases include disaster : mitigation, preparedness, disaster, response, and recovery. Disaster occurs after the preparedness phase. This is followed by a response. In this 10-12 slides, there should be a cover page and references page which is not part of the 10-11 skides. Ensure you use references that are relevant to the topic of disaster management.

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Pathophysiology of the Relaxation Response

Pathophysiology of the Relaxation Response

Describe the Pathophysiology of the Stress Response:

Describe the Pathophysiology of the Relaxation Response:

List Examples of Daily Hassles:

List Examples of Internal Stressors:

List Examples of External Stressors:

What is the most common mental health disorder in the United States?

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National Health Service England

National Health Service England

Analyse how changes to funding have impacted the NHS over the last 25 years

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Differences between Primary and Secondary Sources

Differences between Primary and Secondary Sources

Identify the difference between a primary and a secondary source in literature. Pick any topic for your research proposal, give one example from the research reports that you are using for that topic.
Examine the references from one of the research reports that you are using in this topic. Evaluate the range of dates used in the report.
In PDF form, attach the abstracts from the three research reports that you will use in designing your proposal.

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