In this module, some of the background considerations for jet and propeller aircraft performance were introduced by taking a closer look at the different propulsion systems. During the next module, you will apply these fundamentals to your aircraft example and its unaccelerated performance. Nevertheless, since all of your example aircraft are propeller-driven, it makes sense to divert your attention for a moment to introduce some of the applications of performance principles in jet aircraft.
Choose a jet aircraft to use as your example for this activity. It should not be an exotic jet aircraft, as you will need to find data online for the aircraft. If you choose a military aircraft, make sure you are not using classified data to support your work. Only use data that is available to all on the internet. You will then use the data you gathered for this particular aircraft to show examples of your performance problems and how you derived them.
To provide an outlook on some of the aspects of the next module’s unaccelerated performance, select a jet aircraft of your choice, choose three (3) of the following items of performance, and prepare an instructional presentation (utilizing a presentation tool of your choice – see resources in the Online Tools section) that explains in-depth how to find these different items of performance for a jet aircraft. This will be a standalone presentation and will not be attached to your comprehensive presentation project. Available choices:
maximum forward speed in level flight
absolute ceiling
best angle of climb airspeed
angle of climb
best rate of climb airspeed
rate of climb
maximum endurance airspeed
maximum range airspeed
influence of weight on performance
influence of altitude on performance
influence of configuration on performa
Category: Engineering Assignment Help
Achieving Operational Efficiency in Outpatient medical offices through the Use of Electronic Forms
This PROJECT will analyze and evaluate how outpatient medical offices can become more efficient and eliminate costs by updating their paper FORMs (document such as agreements, medical releases, consents) approach to a digital one. As the world digitizes in many industries, paperwork is becoming obsolete. Management can be considered efficient if relevant and reliable information is regularly available. It is inevitable for the manager to develop a digital cloud for an effective reporting system for future planning, forecasting, controlling, and execution of business processes. The main objective of six sigma is to implement a strategy to improve the organization’s efficiency and production. It prepares us with the best problem-solving tools. In healthcare organizations, six sigma is applied to enhance the business process and improve operations. Utilizing the Six Sigma model, we aim to digitally collect all patients’ consents and signatures. In addition, we plan to cut the paper supply purchasing for more than half of what we currently buy.
Significance of Electric Vehicles in the World
The goal of this week is to have developed and submitted a draft of the evaluation plan for the capstone project. Include both qualitative and quantitative measures and depending on your topic, consider using formative and summative evaluations.
Please continue analyzing the assigned issue.
Research the history and politics of the issue (including administrative ethics implications).
Develop a list of recommendations and alternatives to those recommendations.
Prepare for and conduct the course writing component.
This is a continuation to the previous assignment; an evaluation plan based on the Capstone completed.
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and Product Redesign
Main Objectives of the Assessment:
Assess the use of LCA to highlight critical issues for the development in a particular product. Assess knowledge of the assumptions made in streamlined LCA.
Apply the LCA method with awareness of its strengths and weaknesses. Apply design strategies and approaches (eco-design, design for behavior change, product-service system design) to design an alternative solution (product or product-service system) to reduce environmental impact. Assess proposed improvements to the design with the use of LCA.
Brief Description of the Assessment:
The use of LCA to highlight critical issues for development in a particular product, and analyze suggested design improvements.
Quality Control and Reliability Project
1. All projects are group projects conducted by student teams.
2. If you do not make your own team, you will be assigned to a project team by the instructor. Please check the course Moodle site for announcement later.
3. Each team identifies a proper project, preferably related to a practical application in
a. Manufacturing systems such as machining, assembly, packaging, and others; or
b. Service systems such as transportation, health service, food service, and others
4. Perform system analysis for the purposes of quality control and quality improvement using statistical quality control and reliability analysis tools discussed in class, including:
a. data analysis
b. statistical inferences
c. different quality control charts
d. capability analysis
e. sampling process
f. reliability analysis, and/or
g. combinations of some of the above tools.
5. Other suitable tools for quality control and improvement not covered in this course may be used in the project.
6. Data collection may be related to the measurements of physical items, targeted service time or other measurements. Data collected in lab experiments of other courses can be used.
7. Alternatively, your group may use the above-mentioned statistical and quality control methods to make comprehensive analysis on Covid-19 data published by different health authorities, such as WHO, Health Canada, Santé Québec, etc. in completing the project.
8. The project should be “open-ended” considering various relevant scenarios.
9. The report should have 15 to 20 pages. It should be in the format of an engineering report and may include:
a. Abstract or Executive Summary
b. Introduction
c. Problem description
d. Data collection and analysis
e. SPC tools
f. Results and analysis
g. Conclusions or Concluding Remarks
h. References
10. Each project report may contain one page of explanations on contributions made by individual team members. This page, if presented, should be signed by all team members.
AC consumption in Saudi Arabia (KSA) Singapore HVAC
Air conditioning (AC) comfort in hot and humid climate (HHC) achieved by conventional
refrigerant-based mechanical chillers, such as reciprocating, centrifugal chillers, screw and
scroll compressors, as well as the heat-driven absorption/adsorption chillers. Over 98% of
the chiller systems globally are work driven chillers, yet beset by high specific energy
consumption (SEC), typically 0.8 to 1.4 kW_elec/Rton. (1 RTon =3.52 kWthermal).
Problem statement:
• Are there any AC systems that can operate with a SEC lower than the existing
kWelec /Rton, < 0.65 kWelec /Rton – an aspire target that is good for
sustainability and environment,
• For the assignment, you have a choice of the city-state of Singapore, or the
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, etc..
• From the time history data of gross floor area (GFA), building types, local
weather data, design cooling indices, etc., estimate the annual savings of
electricity, the carbon emission and water consumption (if applicable) for
the mentioned cases.
NB. Group discussion is needed to arrive at a suitable method of cooling (air conditioning). A thorough
understanding of how existing cooling and de-humidification processes are necessary. One should also
refer to and be familiarized with psychometrics’ (thermodynamics of air and water vapor).
Refrigeration and Airconditioning Made Simple
Refrigeration and Airconditioning Made Simple. If you need professional help in this topic or similar (HVAC) or any building services design calculations, we can help you. Contact our support via chat or email us, discuss the cost, place your order, and get what you want. We can also do engineering drawings for building services: plumbing, draining, HVAC, medical gases, water reticulation, solar water heating, and many maore.
Perform a complete cooling load calculation for STEM building (considering 1st floor only
with double vestibule doors and roof on it) in a typical day in August 21st (Assuming a
a typical school day in session). Based on the cooling load calculation design duct system
for the rooms and hallway assuming the conditioned air will be supplied from a separate
air conditioning unit from outside the STEM building. Here are the deliverable for the
1. Draw a layout for the rooms to be conditioned i.e. with the necessary dimension
2. List all the criteria or design conditions as described in ASHRAE Handbook or using
Radiant time series method
3. Provide a sample hand calculation for an hourly load calculation with detailed
equations, references (tables/figures used), and steps
4. Provide an excel sheet (hard and soft copy) showing hourly cooling load and total
cooling load for a typical day in August
5. Show the duct systems layout with duct size, Fan total power and dampening
6. Provide a sample calculation for pressure drop in a branch and provide an excel sheet
(hard and soft copy) for pressure drop in each run (duct branch)
Resources Provided:
1. Floor plan
2. Sample equipment list
Determining the spring constant through Simple Harmonic Motion
A1) Abstract:
• A clearly stated aim for the practical (2),
• how it was achieved (2)
• what the final result was (2)
I1) Description of Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM):
• definition (accept citation) (2)
• general formula for acceleration, with an explanation of variables and signs (3)
• A list of assumptions that underline the formula(2)
I2) Spring oscillations:
• Derivation of the formula for the period T, through the application of Hooke’s Law and F=ma (4)
• Re-arrange formula in the form y=mx+c, explaining all variables(2)
• Explanation of graph: slope and intercept (2)
M1) Diagram of the experimental setup:
• Caption (1)
• correct labelling (2)
• all elements present (3)
M2) An original account of the procedure:
• written as a paragraph (1)
• in the 3rd person and past tense (2)
• all measurements clearly explained (2)
• how k was obtained from data (2)
R1) A graph:
• Title (1)
• axes labels (2)
• units (2)
• error bars (2)
• correctly plotted (y/x variable, units) (2)
• Line of best fit (1)
• R2 and equation (2)
• Correctly drawn minimum and maximum gradients (2).
R2) Numerical results:
• correctness of result based on data (2)
• spring constant value quoted (1)
• error and unit included (2)
• correctly rounded (1)
D1) Discussion of:
• the graph (intercept, relationship between F and x) (2).
• linearity of graph (general and R2) (2).
• anomalous features noted and explained (2)
• agreement with the theory:
o relationship (1)
o assumptions used (1)
o final value of k (%diff and comment) (2)
D2) Errors – discussion of:
• error on the final value of k (2)
• error bars (origin and correctness) (2)
• experimental errors (4).
• improvements to the method in order to gain a more accurate/precise result (4).
• Relevant extension (1)
C1) A summary of what was found:
• was the aim met? (1)
• summary of results – numerical (1)
• summary of discussion (1)
Maintenance and reliability in aviation industry
For this activity, you will assume the role of an aviation maintenance manager. As the aviation maintenance manager, you are responsible for all maintenance actions and for maintaining aircraft in a serviceable condition. For this assignment, conduct research to identify a current aviation maintenance challenge/issue. In your briefing, you will identify the maintenance issue and provide a maintenance strategy to correct the maintenance issue.
Your presentation must include a minimum of five, but no more than eight, slides not including the title slide or reference slide, have embedded audio, and include speaker notes.
Keep in mind that as a minimum your presentation must:
Identify a current aviation maintenance issue of your choosing.
Explain the impact of the maintenance issue.
Define how scheduled maintenance cycles can be used as part of your strategy in addressing the issue.
Determine and support the role of a reliability program in ensuring that your strategy corrects the issue.
Tool and Machine Safety
Point of operation is defined as the area of a machine where it performs work on material.
Explain and analyze how point of operation plays a big role in the prevention of amputation in the workplace.