Neuroendocrine and Hormone Influences on Exercise Physiology and Performance

This will be a written assignment for my advanced Exercise Physiology class regarding the endocrine system and a particular hormone.
For this particular assignment, using Kenney W. L., Wilmore, J., Costill, D. Physiology of Sport and Exercise (7th ed.). Human Kinetics, Champaign, IL. 2019, select 1 hormone (cannot be identical to the primary hormone shown in your discussion map). You CAN’T use glucagon or glucose regulation. I have provided examples of hormone maps within the textbook (Ch. 4); however, please note that you may not use any of the hormones featured within the
example maps of chapter 4 as your topic.
You will write a mini review on this hormone covering its: 1) primary functions, 2) origins and targets within the body, 3) how either endurance or resistance training influences this hormone, 4) 1 disease or disorder that may occur if this hormone is chronically outside its homeostatic range, and 5) how the disease or disorder affects body functions. This mini-review is to be written in paragraph format, 2-5 pages in length. Double-spaced, 7th edition APA format. The
CUC cover page, title page, and reference list do not count against page limits. At least 2 peer-reviewed references are required. I have attached links to relevant videos explaining these topics and other recommended resources to elaborate on the assignment expectations.

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SOAP Note Assignment

Write a SOAP note for the case. 2-3 pages long and formatted in APA style.

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Solution Focused Therapy Case Application

Using Solution Focused therapy techniques and interventions

  • APA format
  • For the attached client write what Solution Focused therapy techniques and interventions were utilized for; individual session, family session and sessions with the brother alone.
  • There were 24 individual sessions with Joey, 12 family sessions with Joey, his parents and his brother, and 5 sessions with Joey and his brother 18 animal assisted therapy sessions.
  • Give an overview of what the family’s first session was like using the miracle question and scaling questions to develop well-formed family goals. What were the obstacles (the father was sarcastic when asked the miracle question)? What were the challenges? What was the outcome?
  • Write a short script of the miracle question dialogue between therapist and each family member. AND write a short script of the miracle question asked during an individual session.
  • Write a short script of the use of scaling questions between the therapist and each family member. AND write a short script of scaling questions asked during an individual session.
  • How did the family dynamic come to the forefront during the family sessions?
  • What were the goals for individual, family, and sessions with the brothers?
  • From where the work started with this client and his family what was the outcome after all of the session so far? What was resolved? How did ALL of the goals get accomplished?
  • Since it took a long time to work on rapport building (2 months of taking walks and hanging out in the teaching barn) after realizing that when the client was around the farm animals, he was more relaxed and more open to talking, I implemented animal assisted therapy into our sessions. The client loved the horses, so we started to have an additional session a week just grooming the horses and taking the clients favorite sheep (Bow Peep) for walks. Write about the realization of incorporating animals into therapy with Joey. Write about the benefits it afforded the therapeutic relationship and progress of the client’s therapy. Write about the method of grooming the horses and walking the sheep.

The sections for this chapter should look like this:

  1. Using scaling questions
  2. Using the miracle question
  3. Well-formed goals (identify individual client goals, goals for the family, and goals for the brothers)
  4. Individual therapy process and outcomes
  5. Family and Sibling therapy process and outcomes
  6. The use of Animal Assisted Therapy
  7. Termination (therapy is going to be terminated in June due to the client being discharged from Green Chimneys to go back home and back to school district)

Conclusion (the client was approved for discharge in June 2022 after school session ends

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Breast cancer outline of research paper

• Attention getter (give amazing fact or tell moving story)
• State topic/ purpose/ thesis
• Tell us why you care (credibility), and why we should care (significance);
• Give a short preview of each main point.
• Main Point 1 Make a claim
o then back it up with facts, stories, examples, etc.
• Main Point 2 Make a claim
o then back it up with facts, stories, examples, etc.
• Main Point 3 Make a claim
o then back it up with facts, stories, examples, etc.
• Summarize what you just told us; Remind us of each main point
• Say your thesis, but paraphrased using different wording
• Provide a ‘clincher’ that lets the audience know you are finished.
• Include author, year, title of webpage, name of website, URL. (3 to 5 sources only)

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Death and Dying Research Project

The goal of this assignment is for you to achieve an understanding some social and
sociological element of death in dying that extends beyond course material. You will pick a topic in the
death and dying, find at least 5 sociological research studies on the topic, and do public sociology (i.e.,
take sociological and sociologically-minded research and make it accessible a general audience). This
involves 2 things: 1) Translating academic work in a way into language that someone who has never
taken a sociology course – and, perhaps, has never attended college – can understand; and 2)
Presenting that translation in a familiar, recognizable way. You will accomplish this through Vox
“Explained”-style article.
Project assignment breakdown:
Research proposal: April 15 (2.5pts)
Progress report: May 6 (2.5pts)
Final Project: May 20 (35pts)
I will upload 5 different files that are all

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Clinical Question in PICOT Format

Perineal discomfort can be a substantial problem for postpartum patients. What is the best non-pharmacological method of reducing perineal pain post
vaginal delivery?
Week 1 Assignment – EBP Project Introduction and Title Page
Weekly Objective 4 will be addressed in this assignment.
Document: EBP Project Proposal Paper Template
Each group will submit the EBP Project Proposal Paper Template with the Title page. The submission should also include a 2 to 4-page introduction including
the following subheadings:
• Purpose
• Relevance/significance
• Potential outcomes
• Clinical question (in either the PICO or PICOT format)
Additional Criteria to address:
• Title page (use the format provided) (use month of week 5)
• References (located at the end of the EBP Project Proposal Paper Template)
Week 2 Assignment – Group Literature Review and Appraisal
Must complete both a narrative summary and an evidence table that includes a minimum of eight sources representing the best available evidence on the
topic. Tools to appraise the evidence include RAPID, RAPid, AGREE, CASP, and NOTARI. You should include all references cited in the table format using APA.
You are expected to search for the best available evidence and critically appraise the evidence.
It is recommended that you use either the JBI Hierarchy of Evidence or Melnyk’s of evidence (as noted in the “Steps” series) to rank your evidence.
You should develop both an evidence table (see EBP Project Proposal Paper Template) and narrative synthesis. You need to write a very clear, descriiptive,
and in-depth narrative synthesis (4-8 pages) of evidence that reveals the current state of knowledge on the topic [see sample integrative reviews in the lib
guides: Hewitt (2010) and Larret (2009) papers]. Include in the narrative the following:
• Descriiption of common themes found in the literature/sources
• Identification of consistencies and contradictions in the literature/sources
• Identification of gaps in the existing body of knowledge
Criteria to address:
• Introduction to section: PICO(T), keywords, and a minimum of three relevant databases searched
• Table which includes a minimum of 8 sources of evidence
• Narrative Synthesis
• Update References
Week 3 Assignment – Plan for Implementation and Evaluation
This week you will develop a plan that describes the steps for the proposed implementation using the PARIHS framework. Include the following:
• Stakeholders
• Organizational fit (select an appropriate type of organization to determine fit)
• Barriers to EBP implementation with input from RN facilitator
• Facilitation strategies for EBP implementation with input from RN facilitator
• Resources needed
• Timetable for implementation
You will also develop a plan to evaluate the implementation of the EBP project that should include:
• Defining baseline data sources and collection strategies (think about how you will show your starting point)
• Define outcome indicators for your project (these are the objectives or goals).
• Define outcome measures (how will each of the outcomes be measured).
• Define how data will be collected (when and who).
Week 4 Assignment – Final EBP Project Proposal Paper
Please include the following criteria:
• Title Page and Thank You Acknowledgements (faculty, coach, RN facilitator)
• Abstract (Please click NUR 49800 Template for Abstract for instructions and template.)
o Purpose PICO (PICOT) Question
o Significance of the Problem
o Summary of Synthesis of Evidence
o Recommended Implementation for Practice Change
o Conclusions/recommendations (Practice, Education or Research)
o Keywords
• Introduction
• Review of Literature and Synthesis of Evidence including narrative synthesis and table
• Plan for Implementation including table
• Plan for Evaluation including table
• Conclusions, Recommendations, and Implications
• References
• Appendices (if applicable) otherwise you may delete these pages


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Nurse Practitioner (NP) Practice Change Project

For this presentation, select an area of nurse practitioner (NP) practice that is of interest to you and in which you would like to see a practice change occur.
Conduct a review of literature to see what is currently known about the topic and to find research support for the practice change you are recommending.
You may use a topic from the list at the link below or may investigate a topic of your choice as long as it pertains to NP practice. If you are unsure of your topic, please reach out to your instructor. Be sure to provide speaker’s notes for all slides except the title and reference slides.
List of Possible Topics (Links to an external site.)
Creating a Professional Presentation (Links to an external site.)
Create an 8-12 slide PowerPoint Presentation that includes the following:
Introduction: slide should identify concepts to be addressed and sections of the presentation. Include speaker’s notes that explain, in more detail, what will be covered.
Evidence-based projects: slide should explain the general importance of master’s-prepared nurses engaging in evidence-based projects related to nursing practice and profession. Provide speaker’s notes with additional detail and support from at least one outside scholarly source (not the textbook or course lesson).
Conceptual Model: slide should provide an illustration of a conceptual model that could be used to develop an evidence-based project. Possible models include The John’s Hopkins or Advancing Research and Clinical Practice through Close Collaboration (ARCC) Models or you may select another model you find in the literature. In the speaker’s notes, explain how the model would be applied to the development of an evidence-based project. Provide support from at least one outside scholarly source (not the textbook or course lesson).
Area of Interest: identify an area of interest related to NP practice in which a practice change may be needed. Slide should identify the area of interest and what is currently known on the topic. Speaker’s notes more fully explain what is currently known and should provide rationale for why the area of interest is important to NP practice. Provide support from at least one outside scholarly source (not the textbook or course lesson).
Issue/concern and recommendation for change: slide should identify a specific concern related to your general area of interest and your recommendation for a practice change. Speaker’s notes should more fully explain the recommended change and rationale for the change. Recommendation should be supported by at least one outside scholarly source (not the textbook or course lesson).
Factors Influencing Change: slide should identify at least 2 internal and external factors that could impact your ability to implement your recommended change. Speaker’s notes should more fully explain how the factors you’ve identified would support or impede the implementation of your recommendations.
Factors may be based on personal experience or on information you found in your research. If the identified factors come from the literature, provide reference citations to support your ideas.
NONPF Competencies: slide identifies at least two NONPF Competencies that are relevant to an evidence-based project related to your area of interest.
Speaker’s notes should explain how the competencies relate to your area of interest. Provide support from at least one outside scholarly source (not the textbook or course lesson).
Conclusion: slide provides summary points of presentation. Speaker’s notes provide final comments on the topic.
Preparing the presentation
Submission Requirements
Application: Use Microsoft Power Point™ to create the PowerPoint presentation.
Length: The PowerPoint presentation must be8-12 total slides (excluding title and reference slides).
Speaker notes are used and include in-text citations when applicable.
A minimum offour (4)scholarly literature references must be used.
Submission: Submit your file: Last name_First initial_Wk6Assessment_Area of Interest.

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Evolution of Nursing Informatics Presentation

This is a nursing informatics paper.

Write an essay of 750-1,050 words in APA Style in which you describe the evolution of nursing informatics. Use 3 scholarly sources.

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Clinical Scenario Assignment Sample

The clinical scenario must address the following criteria:

Describe the following (under the following headings/sub-headings):

Provide a succinct introduction on the provided scenario
Clinical history – identify the history types and how it correlates to the primary diagnosis
Imaging procedure requirements
Clinical question – what is the primary diagnosis?

Interpretation of the Imaging Request Form:
What would you have done differently (based on how you would have interpreted the request form) if you had the opportunity to perform the examination?
Would you do anything differently, next time a similar request comes to you?

Imaging Modality:
Identify the imaging projections taken.
If other images are required beyond the standard protocol, what criteria is used to select these images and how does it relate to the primary diagnosis?
What differential diagnosis are possible if this examination did not answer the clinical question (primary diagnosis)?

Images (Anatomy of ROI):
Annotate each image (markers etc – identify the pathology)
Label the relevant normal anatomy and any pathology/injury on the images
Describe the image appearances in relation to injury/pathology

Image Critique:
You are required to evaluate the images using the relevant criteria. Ensure that all aspects of the image(s) are critically evaluated.

Radiographic Image Interpretation:
List & describe your findings. Apply a logical approach applicable to the primary diagnosis using the appropriate descriptive terminology
Describe the type of injury/pathology with valid research evidence
Give the most common etiologies
Describe the etiology related to the pathology from the clinical history and the radiographic findings.
What is the predicted outcome of this injury/pathology?
Describe briefly, any potential complication(s) of this injury/pathology?
Patient management
Briefly describe treatment is there any surgical intervention or any medication needed for managing this injury /pathology

Deteriorating patient:
A radiographer, was the only person in the resuscitation room at the time. The medical team stepped out of the room as the x-rays were being taken. The radiographer started to position the detector for the CXR, he noticed that the patient’s sats dropped to 95 and the respiratory rate increased rapidly.
What does this indicate?
What should the radiographer do once he notices this change in the patient’s medical status?

Provide a clear and concise conclusion based on the areas reviewed in this case study

The assignment must be properly referenced using the APA style of referencing including in-text citation as well as final reference list. Any evidence of plagiarism will result in a significant penalty.

The presentation of your assignment must be neat and appear as a formal document. (Avoid any unnecessary artwork)



This assignment will be submitted as individual assessment as a Microsoft Word document and a PDF version of the same (any other format will not be accepted).
The assignment must be categorised under each of the headings/sub-headings based on the criteria above.
The maximum word limit for the assignment is 4000 words. Your assignment must be comprehensive. submissions below 4000 words is acceptable. (word count includes ALL words). Do not waffle/padding. Write succinctly.


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Implementation Plan Change Theory

This paper will contain the following information:

An overview of the practice environment where you hope to implement the technology you selected
A description of the stakeholders who could give input into this project
An explanation of how you would introduce this technology, utilizing change theory as a framework for implementation
Describe your chosen change theory
Explain how it will guide your implementation
The paper should include:

at least 3 professional references,
be 4-5 pages long (excluding the title and references pages),
contain an introduction and conclusion,
in-text citations,
a cover page, and
a reference page
This paper must follow all proper APA formatting requirements.


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